Saturday, July 30, 2016

A Big Dentistry Scandal In The U.S.

Posted: 7/30/2016


Recently, I read
  1. A Decades-old Product Can Stop 80% of Cavities, and the FDA Only Just Now Approved It (This the article that triggered my interest in this subject)

The articles are about a simple, cheap, paint on antimicrobial, topical liquid containing  silver diamine fluoride (SDF) that effectively stops ongoing caries and prevents caries. “S.D.F. reduces the incidence of new caries and progression of current caries by about 80 percent” (Source 2)

We also learn that the Japanese have been using SDF for over 80 years and it has been used in other countries.

Best of all, this medication is safe!

Plenty Of Childhood Cavities

As someone who had his shares of tooth cavities in childhood and adolescence, I think this is a scandal. Decades later I am still anxious every time I visit a dentist.

I have blogged here about my great experiences with laser drilling, but laser drilling is fairly new. Laser drilling of teeth was apparently only approved in the U.S. in 1996. Why did it take the FDA so long?

Our Dentists And Government Failed Us

“American dentists first started using similar silver-based treatments in the early 1900s.” (Source 2)
In 2014, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the treatment (Source 3).

Why did it take dentists and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration decades to approve this treatment option? It is incredible!

Thanks to this delay other, similar options were not explored or how the black coloring or blackening to the SDF treatment area could be dealt with.

“Countless patients would benefit from conservative treatment of non-symptomatic active carious lesions.” (Source 3).

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