Saturday, July 23, 2016

Ted Cruz Is Indeed A Sore Looser

Posted: 7/23/2016

I have watched the full length of his speech given at the just ended GOP convention in Cleveland, Ohio.

It was a very disappointing speech. One of the worst speeches I have witnessed by him. A very poor speech!

Yes, he could have expressed his displeasure at Donald Trump’s insults of his family and then move on quickly to where both men have commonalities and how the U.S. Senator and the future President could work together. There are actually quite a number of areas where the viewpoints of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are not very far apart or even overlap.

Both agree probably on:

  1. Smaller and limited federal government. More federalism and powers for the individual states relative to the federal government
  2. Less regulation and more freedom for businesses
  3. Better candidates for the U.S. Supreme Court. Justices, who respect the original constitution and the framework that the founders envisioned.
  4. And, I am sure, there are more issues Ted Cruz and Donald Trump could agree on ...

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