Friday, August 15, 2014

Irrelevant Whether Michael Brown Was A Recent Robbery Suspect?

Posted: 8/15/14


Just read “Police Now Claim Michael Brown Was a Robbery Suspect UPDATE: Admit Officer Didn't Know That When Interaction Started”. It almost seems that the story gets more confusing by the minute.

The article written by an associate editor at libertarian Reason 24/7 claims at the bottom “The FPD's police chief has admitted Wilson did not know Brown was a robbery suspect when the interaction began, making it irrelevant to the question of whether the shooting was justified.” (emphasis added). From listening to NPR today, I had the same impression.

It appears that the police department of Ferguson, Missouri mishandled public relations to an unbelievable extent let alone that this police department chose a very poor strategy to respond to legitimate protests, illegal rioting and looting. Again, I have to admit that I did not follow the details of the shooting of Michael Brown by police very closely.

I really do not like the racial overtones of this case! In particular, the white police department in a black suburban neighborhood narrative. It is absurd.

A Robbery Suspect

If we assume for a moment that Mr. Brown before his shooting was indeed robbing a convenience store, then this matters a lot no matter whether or not the police officer, who shot Mr. Brown, knew about it or not. It could actually be quite irrelevant whether the police officer knew or not.

Unfortunately, the above article does not mention whether Mr. Brown used a gun or not during his robbery. According to this LA Times article, which  included the video footage, it appears that Mr. Brown was unarmed, but he used reported to have used strong arm tactics to steal the box of cigars. If this indeed happened that would indicate that Mr. Brown had a serious attitude problem and it could indicate that this was likely not his first robbery.

The mindset and behavior of a man who commits robberies like that is different from someone who makes an honest living.

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