Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Salmons Come With Magnetic Sensors


Just read “Navigation im TierreichLachse mit magnetischer Seekarte” dated 3/12/14. Here is the abstract of the English language article.

Finally, scientists discovered a magnetic sense in salmon. Apparently some kind of map is inherited by the offspring of salmon.

Excerpts from abstract (emphasis added):
“A particular challenge is explaining how juvenile animals with no prior migratory experience are able to locate specific oceanic feeding habitats that are hundreds or thousands of kilometers from their natal sites”
“We further show that fish use the combination of magnetic intensity and inclination angle to assess their geographic location. The “magnetic map” of salmon appears to be inherited, as the fish had no prior migratory experience.”

What About Humans?

Are we really without such a sense or have we just not discovered it? Has it been dormant?

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