Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Linux Wonderland


I intend to present here my experiences of abandoning Microsoft Windows 8.1 for Fedora Linux on my new Lenovo notebook.

Finally A Better Graphics Driver Installed

My notebook has a Nvidia Geforce graphics card installed, but Fedora only installed a default driver for the Intel graphics, which is also present. The resolution of the display was underwhelming.

Contacted Nvidia support. My commendation for the prompt Nvidia support. After several email exchanges, my case was escalated and then the level 2 engineer from Nvidia pointed me to the bumblebee project in my case, because their driver installation script would not work on my notebook. Fedora had installation instructions for this driver and it worked for me.

Hardware Enumeration Is Iffy

This was shocking to me to learn that Linux command line commands like lspci do not completely and correctly enumerate all hardware devices on your computer. My Nvidia Geforce was never listed neither from the beginning nor after I installed the proprietary Nvidia driver through bumblebee project.

This is the least I expect from a great operating system that is capable of listing all hardware devices on my system.

Fedora Visual Files Utility Is Bad

Rather primitive I would say compared to Windows Explorer. E.g. you cannot expand the file name column to see the whole name of the file when you opt to see many of the other columns. This is truly awful and drives me mad!

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