Friday, March 14, 2014

Children Versus Longevity


This is a speculative blog post about the medium term future!

Longevity Ante Portas

In this age of exponential technological progress it is only a matter of a few decades (perhaps less than three decades) that humans will be able to extend their healthy life span far beyond 100 years perhaps even towards 200 years.

Giving Birth

I would forecast that within the next 50 years or so women will no longer need to give birth to humans. This may sound shocking, but it is a distinct possibility.

Instead humans will have found some other means to procreate if still necessary.

What Happens To Sex?

I would guess within the next few decades humans will be able to have as many orgasms as one can wish for by other means if this is still necessary and desirable.

By then, the porn industry as we know it is long dead. Erotic fantasies become computer generated.

Demographics Is Destiny

Given all that aforementioned do we still need children by then? How many?

What will be the trend of world population like in 50 to 100 years?

Are we going to populate other planets? Are some humans going to be on long term space missions?

An Act Of Blasphemy?

Some religious people may well accuse me of that. However, if God would not like humans to go forward in this direction humans would not be able to, right?

Does not God want us humans to use our God given talents to our best abilities?

God created the universe (multiverse) and any life in it. God endowed life with the Golden Rule and a love of freedom.

God is a marvel.

Caveat Emptor

My predictions might be significantly delayed if too many humans fight against the technological progress.

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