Monday, October 14, 2013

How Leftist Is Le Monde Diplomatique?

Desperate For Communism

Just (10/14/2013) perused following article at online Le Monde Diplomatique titled “We can’t go on like this” by editorial director Serge Halimi published in September 2013.

Read it yourself! It is an amazing, desperate pamphlet of Communist revival!

Here is a salient quote from the first paragraph of this article (emphasis added):
“It’s five years since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, on 15 September 2008. Since then, the legitimacy of capitalism as a way of organising society has been undermined; its promises of prosperity, social mobility and democracy have lost credibility. But there has been no radical change.” And it goes on and on …

Colossal Government Failure

If something has lost credibility since the Great Recession it is democratically elected governments and incompetent wannabe legislators who are largely responsible for the meltdown and deep as well as unnecessary prolonged recession.

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