Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Do You Need An ATM For Bitcoin?


Today (10/30/2013), I read an article (German language) in my online home town newspaper that there is a first ever ATM like machine available now in Vancouver, Canada of all places. I am sure lumberjacks appreciate such a machine (this is not meant to be condescending, I like them). Anyway, the article did not say why in Vancouver, sloppy journalism as usual.

An Unfortunate Regression

Why on earth would you need an ATM, a legacy technology, from the perspective of private, electronic, digital money.

I don’t want to be a purist and I don’t want to spoil the quick adoption of this new money, but this new private money should remain exclusively electronic and digital. All you need is an app for any computer.

The Future Of Private Electronic, And Digital Money

It is about time that the people take back from big government the power to issue and control money.

Since the latest severe financial and sovereign debt crisis and subsequent Great Recession, most people should be aware that government is the cause of of it through profligate fiscal spending, unsustainable fiscal deficits, recklessly low interest rates and debt financing by central banks.

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