Sunday, March 11, 2012

Big Government At Work: EU’s Proposed Compulsory Gender Quotas In Corporate Boardrooms

A Tragic Irony

Socialism is still alive and kicking in the European Union. The wall fell and more socialism spread to the Western part of Europe. What an irony of history!

Women Of The World Take Note

If I were a woman, I would be ashamed and upset about such nonsense and patronizing. Any woman who thinks she has what it takes can establish her own business.

A 40% Quota?

Some countries in the EU already have such quotas like Spain, France, and Norway. In Spain and France the quota is 40%. Why not 50%? France has also imposed a 35 hour work week by law. What is next?

The Hubris

EU Commissars and members of EU governments want to impose immediately something that will take decades to develop by itself. The imbalance of women and men in leading positions is a historical fact and it will take time to undo. Women, who want to make a career in business will succeed without any government intervention, but it will not happen overnight or in 12 months.

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