Saturday, March 03, 2012

Snipers In Syria – A Serious Crime Against Humanity

Bring These Snipers And Enablers To Justice

If it is true what has been reported about the Syrian regime’s use of snipers in Syrian streets, then this is a monstrous perversion for which every one of these snipers and the regime must be brought to justice. This is in itself is obviously a serious crime against humanity of the Syrian regime to use snipers to indiscriminately kill unarmed civilians.
Is this one method how the Syrian regime imposes a curfew on the streets?

Who Are These Depraved Snipers

Who are these depraved killers that shoot indiscriminately at everyone (e.g. pregnant women, children etc.)?
How many of these snipers are foreigners (e.g. Iranians, Hezbollah)?

Armed Resistance

I hope that the brave people of Syria are in the meantime receiving weapons through yet undisclosed sources so they can defend themselves since, as happened so often before in history, the laughable International Community is unable to stop the bloodshed.

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