Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Yair Lapid urges deal to free all captives at once, pushes for Saudi normalization - interview

Can you argue with these common sense proposals!

Why not get the Arab countries involved during a (possibly multi-years or decades long) transition period to ensure that fanatic terrorists/killers like Hezbollah and Hamas never again be able to regain their power and establish an armed force etc. to threaten or attack Israel in Gaza Strip and Lebanon!

"... “The elimination of Sinwar” sends “an important message to the Middle East: Whoever messes with us will die. It may take as long as it takes, but we will reach everyone who threatens us and eliminate them.” ...

Israel needs to do two things, he said. First, it must announce that it will offer significant financial incentives and a safe exit from Gaza to anyone who brings hostages. Second, it must simultaneously strive for a comprehensive hostage deal rather than the three-phased agreement put on the table in May.  ...

“Nazism was a bad idea, and therefore we have eliminated it... Communism was a terrible idea, at least the Russian concept, and the world has succeeded in eliminating this idea. Hamas is a horrible idea. It should be eliminated. ...

It needs to be replaced with some sort of international governing body that could include regional players such as the Saudis, the Emiratis, and the Egyptians, as well as a “‘symbolic’ branch of the Palestinian Authority, nothing, nothing more than that.” ..."

Yair Lapid seeks hostage deal, Saudi normalization in 'Post' interview - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post "The politician who heads the centrist Yesh Atid party spoke to the 'Post' a year into the country's multi-front war against Iranian proxies."

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