Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Three Russian Shahed Drones Strike Romania, Causing Fire, Sources Say

If confirmed, this is very serious stuff! How close are we to World War III?

Romania is a NATO member bordering on the Ukraine.

When will the lethargic, apathetic, and slavish Russian people finally get rid of their last czar, the megalomaniac and war criminal Putin the Terrible! How many more young Russian men have to die or be maimed because Putin the Terrible has conducted a “special military operation” since February of 2022!

"Russian drones struck targets in Romania early Wednesday morning, July 24, during Moscow’s attack on the port infrastructure of Ukraine’s Odesa region, informed sources in Ukraine’s Security and Defense Sector exclusively told Kyiv Post.

Three Shahed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) were recorded falling and subsequently causing fires in Romania.

Explosions from kamikaze drone strikes were reported near the village of Niculițel [Romania], 7 kilometers from the Ukrainian border. ..."

Three Russian Shahed Drones Strike Romania, Causing Fire, Sources Say Russian drones struck targets in Romania on July 24, causing fires near Niculițel, 7 km from the Ukrainian border, confirmed by the IAR-330 helicopter crew from the 57th Air Base.

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