Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Palestinian factions (PA, Hamas, Fatah) sign declaration to end divisions after China talks

Bad news! Chinese diplomacy manages to unite all the terrorists and kleptocrats of Gaza Strip and West Bank! Shame on China!

From this article it is not quite clear whether the corrupt Palestinian Authority is part of this declaration.

"Various Palestinian factions including rivals Hamas and Fatah agreed to end their divisions and form a national unity government during negotiations in China that ended Tuesday, according to Chinese state media. ...
A total of 14 Palestinian factions, including the leaders of Fatah and Hamas, also met with the media, with China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi present, CGTN said in a social media post. ..."

Palestinian factions sign declaration to end divisions after China talks - The Jerusalem Post The Beijing Declaration was signed at the closing ceremony of a reconciliation dialogue among the factions held in China's capital from July 21-23.

Mahmoud al-Aloul, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of Palestinian organisation and political party Fatah, China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and Mussa Abu Marzuk, senior member of Hamas, attend an event at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing on July 23, 2024.

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