Thursday, July 25, 2024

Meta, OpenAI and Appel Withhold multi-modal and/or generative Models From Europe and Brazil

The EU tries very hard to fall further behind!

"... What’s new: Meta said it would withhold future multimodal models from the European Union (EU) to avoid being charged, banned, or fined for running afoul of the region’s privacy laws, according to Axios. (The newly released Llama 3.1 family, which processes text only, will be available to EU users.) 
How it works: EU data regulators have said that Meta may be violating EU privacy laws by training models on data from Facebook, Instagram, and its other properties. Meta’s move in Europe follows its withdrawal of generative models from Brazil, after that country’s national data-protection authority struck down the part of Meta’s privacy policy that allowed it to use personal data from users of Meta products to train AI models. ...
Apple and OpenAI in Europe: Meta is not the only global AI company that’s wary of EU technology regulations. 

In June, Apple announced it would withhold generative AI features from iOS devices in the EU. Apple said the EU’s Digital Markets Act, which requires that basic applications like web browsers, search engines, and messaging be able to work together regardless of the operating systems they run on, prevented it from deploying the features to EU customers without compromising user privacy.
Early in the year, OpenAI drew attention from Italian regulators, who briefly banned ChatGPT in 2023 for violating EU law. As of May, a multinational task force was investigating the matter. ..."

OpenAI Shrinks GPT-4o, Meta Withholds Models From Europe, Investors Hoard GPUs, Synthetic Talking Heads Get Expressive

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