Thursday, July 25, 2024

Jaundice and Chinese or Asian skin and Western medicine

Try to search Google or Bing about the question whether there is a difference of jaundice on Chinese or Asian skin versus on white skin.

Basically, the only relevant search results are about neonatal jaundice in Asian babies and whether jaundice is more frequent with Asian people or that yellow is the color of jaundice.

A case of censorship? Could it be that this question is considered racist by these search engines? Therefore, the search results are accordingly filtered or even blocked? This would be absurd in this case!

Why am I blogging about this? Well, I personally know of a case involving a Chinese lady whose clinical notes from a very prestigious U.S. hospital (i.e. Mayo Clinic) contained at least two entries that she had jaundice. Her skin has been naturally yellowish probably since birth. One of her attending doctors at the hospital was Asian herself.

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