Monday, July 01, 2024

How was popcorn discovered? An archaeologist on its likely appeal for people in the Americas maybe as early as 6,700 years ago

Amazing stuff! Let that sink in or pop up! 😊

"... There’s evidence of maize farming from dry caves in Mexico as early as 9,000 years ago. From there, maize farming spread throughout North and South America.

Popped corn, preserved food
Figuring out when people started making popcorn is harder. There are several types of maize, most of which will pop if heated, but one variety, actually called “popcorn,” makes the best popcorn. Scientists have discovered phytoliths from Peru, as well as burned kernels, of this type of “poppable” maize from as early as 6,700 years ago. ..."

How was popcorn discovered? An archaeologist on its likely appeal for people in the Americas millennia ago

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