Monday, July 15, 2024

Elon Musk’s Full Self-Driving promises face mounting scrutiny at multiple levels. Really!

Is Tesla under investigation because of technical issues and "promises" or because Elon Musk supports Donald Trump?

"The U.S. Justice Department is probing the company’s marketing of both Full Self-Driving and Autopilot, Tesla’s advanced driver-assistance systems. California’s Department of Motor Vehicles is also reviewing those features in light of provisions including a 2022 law prohibiting companies from using marketing and language that would “lead a reasonable person to believe that the feature allows the vehicle to function as an autonomous vehicle.” Tesla has received inquiries from the Securities and Exchange Commission related to its claims to investors, according to news reports and public filings. ..."

Elon Musk’s Full Self-Driving promises face mounting scrutiny at multiple levels - The Washington Post A growing number of investigations and legal complaints are targeting Tesla’s claims that its cars are “Full Self-Driving,” scrutinizing the company’s decisions to brand and market its suite of driver-assistance technologies for evidence of potential fraud.

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