Monday, July 22, 2024

Charming female Rabbi converts two male prisoners inside the prison to Judaism

Should I ever end up in prison, I know now what to do! 😊 The meaning of Mensch!

"When Rabbi Miriam Terlinchamp appeared on an episode of the “Judaism Unbound” podcast last year to talk about her new online Jewish conversion class, she never could have imagined the impact it would have.

The episode would soon change her life — and those of two of her listeners.

Ari Kingsman and Joshua Phillips were cellmates inside the Monroe Correctional Complex in Washington State with a shared interest in Judaism. After hearing the podcast, they wrote to Terlinchamp to ask if she would help them convert. ...

In the year-long journey that followed, Terlinchamp would take up the challenge, traveling across the country to supervise two decidedly non-traditional conversions to Judaism from inside a prison — a setting where, to her knowledge, no other rabbi has agreed to stage a conversion before."

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency Sunday Feature

Rabbi Miriam Terlinchamp, Executive Director, Judaism Unbound (Source)

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