Thursday, July 25, 2024

About 2.8 million procedures are performed per year on lab animals in the UK alone in the name of medical progress

Just try to extrapolate this number to global scale! Unfortunately, this horrible fact is rarely reported!

Where are the so called animal rights activists when you need them?

It is long beyond high time to find alternatives! Maybe iPSC, organoids etc.!

"... Global data on animals in research are incomplete, but there are signs that the number of scientific procedures performed on live animals is falling in some countries. According to UK government data for example, 2.76 million such procedures were performed in the country in 2022. This is the lowest number since 2002, and markedly lower than the 4.14-million peak in 2015.
What, then, are the alternatives? Induced pluripotent stem cells — which have been ‘reprogrammed’ so that they can turn into any cell type — offer a way to generate human cells from skin or blood samples. Organoids, 3D cultures that can comprise multiple cell types, take such Petri-dish systems to the next level. ..."

Animal research is not always king: researchers should explore the alternatives Technological advances can reduce the numbers of laboratory animals used in studies — but they need to be carefully validated.

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