Saturday, February 24, 2024

Michael Freund: Palestinian statehood is dead and is never coming back

Recommendable, but drastic! 

Indeed, some Western leaders like French President Macron live in a time warp stuck in the 1980s. Time and reality has moved on! E.g. the two state solution is basically dead.

The so called Palestinians missed their chance to live in their own state and in prosperity with Israel's help! Instead they chose hatred and belligerence towards Israel and the Israeli people. Too bad! Time waits for no one to finally make the right choices!

"... But what these esteemed statesmen have apparently failed to grasp is that the very idea of a Palestinian state is no longer geographically viable, morally acceptable, or even politically tolerable to the overwhelming majority of Israelis. ...
On February 16, the Yesha Council, the umbrella organization for the municipal councils in Judea and Samaria, published its annual report on the size of the Jewish population in the areas.
According to the document, as of January 1 there were 517,407 Jews living in some 150 communities in Judea, Samaria, and the Jordan Valley. With Israel’s total population estimated to be 9,842,000, that means that more than one out of every 20 Israelis lives in Judea and Samaria. ..."

Michael Freund: Palestinian statehood is dead and is never coming back - The Jerusalem Post Simply put, the idea of “Palestine” is dead and buried, and no matter how hard they may try, Western politicians will never be able to revive it.

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