Friday, July 15, 2022

Sri Lanka crisis exposes the Green New Deal as a scam

Since when does Bjorn Lomberg publish op-eds in the mouthpiece of the Communist Party of China, the China Daily!

Does this also explain his chosen terminology like "Russia-Ukraine conflict". This term is little bit better than the Russian propaganda term "special operation";

Why does Bjorn Lomberg not mention the other calamity of Sri Lanka? The country is caught in the debt trap policy of China!

Unfortunately, Sri Lanka and some other low income countries bought into the New Green Deal scam with devastating results.

"... The catastrophe unfolding in Sri Lanka provides a sobering lesson. The government last year enforced a full transition to organic farming, appointing "organic farming gurus", including some who claimed dubious links between agricultural chemicals and health problems, as agricultural advisers. Despite extravagant claims that organic methods could produce comparable yields to conventional farming, the policy produced nothing but misery, with some food prices quintupling.

Sri Lanka had been self-sufficient in rice production for decades, but tragically has now been forced to import $450 million worth of rice. Tea, the nation's primary export crop and source of foreign exchange, was devastated, with economic losses estimated at $425 million. Before the country spiraled downward toward brutal violence and political resignations, the government was forced to offer $200 million in compensation to farmers and $149 million in subsidies. ..."

Sri Lanka crisis exposes urgency to feed world - (Google browser indicates that this is not a secure website. Thank you Bjorn!)

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