Monday, July 11, 2022

In most countries, the vast majority believes climate should be a high or very high priority. Really!

In 100 years from now or so, people will look back at our times and may very well conclude that even in the 21st century:
  1. Medieval superstition was dominant and exploited
  2. Manipulation of public opinion was rampant

Given the daily deluge of the Global Warming and Climate Change Religion propaganda and demagoguery, do you expect any other outcomes from public opinion surveys? If you repeat a pseudoscience lie often enough ...

How much trust do you put into international surveys of Facebook users carried out by Yale University and Mark Zuckerberg? Myself, very little!

Apparently, outside of Western countries, people have a healthy and very reasonable skepticism about whether climate change is primarily caused by humans.

"An international survey carried out by Yale University researchers and Meta analyzed how people around the world feel about climate change — how worried they are, who they think is to blame, and how likely they are to do something about it. ...
This report describes climate change beliefs, attitudes, policy preferences, and behaviors among Facebook users in 110 countries and territories. In total, around 109,000 people were surveyed. ...
Over half of the surveyed people say they know “a lot” or “a moderate amount” about climate change. [laughable!] ...
But people were less convinced that climate change is primarily caused by human activity (something which has been demonstrated with overwhelming certainty by scientific research). For instance, just a minority of people in Indonesia (18%), Yemen (21%), and Haiti (23%) believe humans are to blame for our climate woes. Few countries had a strong majority that agreed with existing science. ..."

In most countries, the vast majority believes climate should be a "high" or "very high" priority Many feel it's a problem, but few would join an organized group to convince leaders to reduce climate change.

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