Monday, July 11, 2022

Clinical trials for pig-to-human organ transplants inch closer in the U.S.

Good news! Human volunteers please sign up!

Why does the U.S. FDA even have power over an organ transplant performed in one of the states? Strikes me clearly as too much federal power over the internal affairs of individual states!!! SCOTUS are you listening?

"... Researchers have repeatedly transplanted pig organs into non-human primates, such as baboons, with success. But these experiments don’t simulate human trials perfectly. ...
Physicians see an urgent need for the [human] trials: more than 100,000 people are waiting for organ transplants in the United States alone. ...
In late 2021, for instance, surgeons transferred genetically modified pig kidneys into two legally dead people who had no discernible brain function and were on ventilators. [Was any consent given by survivors etc.?] The kidneys functioned normally over the 54 hours of the test and seemed to produce urine. ...
In January this year, a severely ill man became the first to receive a pig heart, during an operation in Baltimore, Maryland. (The man otherwise faced certain death, so the FDA granted a compassionate-use authorization for the procedure.) ..."

Clinical trials for pig-to-human organ transplants inch closer US regulatory agency signals willingness to allow first xenotransplant trials.

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