Monday, July 11, 2022

Gerontocracy: U.S. Senator Leahy At Home After Hip Surgery

Leahy (82 years old) is another one of too many lifelong career politicians in Washington DC!

It is long overdue to introduce term limits for all Members of the U.S. Congress!

Then there is the demented and senile 46th President, the erratic and nutty 82 year old Nancy Pelosi, and the foolish 71 years old Chuck Schumer! What a gerontocracy run by the Dimocratic Party!

"... Leahy, who as president pro tempore of the U.S. Senate is third in the line of succession for the presidency, right behind Vice President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ..."

Senator Leahy At Home After Hip Surgery, But Our Woke Gerontocracy Remains | FrontpageMag Corrupt kleptocrats tend to cling to power.

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