Monday, July 11, 2022

Everything is racist: Blood Oxygen Readers

Everything is racist these days! Don't you get it! As if you did not know it already! (Caution: satire)😄 It is becoming such a farce!

I do not know how serious the alleged issue is that blood oxygen readers are more inaccurate when the skin color is darker. Supposedly, this was already reported since the 1990s, but the FDA has allegedly procrastinated on fixing it. I suspect the underlying issue might other than skin color.

One can also probably and safely assume that medical professionals take this issue properly into account when treating a person with darker skin color. Might not be a perfect solution, but a practical one.

Johns Hopkins University: "... The problem: The fingertip sensors can overestimate blood oxygen in darker-skinned people, as studies going back to 1990 have shown. COVID-19 brought the problem to the forefront, spurring a warning last year.
But some advocates say the [FDA] agency is moving too slowly.
“It’s really shocking that it was only until 2021 for the FDA to actually issue an alert,” says UchĂ© Blackstock, an ER physician—adding that even then, it “ ...didn’t even mention racial bias or race or racism.” ..."

Global Health NOW: US FDA Examines Blood Oxygen Readers; Biden Mulls Abortion Options; and Shockwaves in a Nation of Few Guns

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