Monday, July 11, 2022

California Gay couple reaffirm reality of biological sex by suing a fertility specialist for having a daughter instead of the requested son

You can't make this up! I suspect it is more about money and fame than about biological gender! 

The obvious self contradictions of the gender identity ideology and the LGBTQ cult!

Or is it even possible the surrogate mother played a trick on the gay couple? I would not be surprised! 😄

"A gay couple in California perhaps unwittingly reaffirmed the gender binary when they decided to sue a fertility clinic for giving them a daughter instead of the son they ordered. ...
Last Friday, Albert and Anthony Saniger of Pasadena, California, filed a lawsuit against HRC Fertility and fertility specialist Dr. Bradford A. Kolb in Los Angeles Superior Court, alleging breach of contract, medical malpractice, negligence, fraudulent concealment, and violation of the Unfair Competition Law and the Consumer Legal Remedies Act — all because they were assured that they would have a boy born via surrogacy, not a girl.
According to the lawsuit, the Sanigers spent approximately $300,000 to secure donor eggs and a female surrogate ..."

Gay couple reaffirm reality of biological sex by suing fertility clinic for giving them a girl instead of a boy - TheBlaze

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