Tuesday, February 08, 2022

White House science advisor who was sworn in on book of Jewish ethics steps down after review finds he mistreated staff

No surprise given the demented and senile 78 years old 46th President, who is a lifetime career politician and chronic liar for decades!

"Eric Lander, the Jewish geneticist who served as President Joe Biden’s top science advisor and head of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, resigned Monday after a White House review found he had mistreated staff.

Lander had been confirmed by the Senate in May 2021 as director of the OSTP, a position Biden raised to the level of a cabinet position. Lander was sworn in last June on a 500-year-old edition of Pirkei Avot, the Ethics of the Fathers, printed in 1492.

The internal review that led to Lander’s resignation found that the scientist had bullied staff and sometimes yelled, according to a report in Politico. Several women who worked with Lander complained that he had demeaned them. ..."

White House science advisor who was sworn in on book of Jewish ethics steps down after review finds he mistreated staff - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

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