Friday, February 04, 2022

Robust, long-lived quantum register of hundreds of fermion pairs

Inching closer to a quantum computer?

"MIT physicists have discovered a new quantum bit, or “qubit,” in the form of vibrating pairs of atoms known as fermions. They found that when pairs of fermions are chilled and trapped in an optical lattice, the particles can exist simultaneously in two states — a weird quantum phenomenon known as superposition. In this case, the atoms held a superposition of two vibrational states, in which the pair wobbled against each other while also swinging in sync, at the same time. The team was able to maintain this state of superposition among hundreds of vibrating pairs of fermions. In so doing, they achieved a new “quantum register,” or system of qubits, that appears to be robust over relatively long periods of time. ...
By comparison, the MIT team’s new qubit appears to be extremely robust, able to maintain a superposition between two vibrational states, even in the midst of environmental noise, for up to 10 seconds. ..."

From the abstract:
"... Here we demonstrate long-lived motional coherence and entanglement of pairs of fermionic atoms in an optical lattice array. The common and relative motion of each pair realize a robust qubit, protected by exchange symmetry. The energy difference between the two motional states is set by the atomic recoil energy, is dependent on only the mass and the lattice wavelength, and is insensitive to the noise of the confining potential. We observe quantum coherence beyond ten seconds. Modulation of the interactions between the atoms provides universal control of the motional qubit. The methods presented here will enable coherently programmable quantum simulators of many-fermion systems, precision metrology based on atom pairs and molecules, and, by implementing further advances, digital quantum computation using fermion pairs."

Vibrating atoms make robust qubits, physicists find | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology The new qubits stay in “superposition” for up to 10 seconds, and could make a promising foundation for quantum computers.

Quantum register of fermion pairs (no public access, however here is the preprint link)

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