Thursday, February 03, 2022

U.S. says Islamic State leader killed in Syria raid

I am not sure this was a necessary and good move! How much of a threat was this terrorist leader really at this time?

What exactly was the mission of this raid? Something else? To capture this terrorist and bring him to justice? To kill him, a drone would have done the job!

Elite U.S. soldiers on the ground were executing this dangerous operation inside Syria of all places! What will be the repercussions of terrorist leader's death!

What if the terrorist leader is not dead? What confirmation do we have he was indeed killed when the bomb exploded? Is it not a little surprising that this man with a $10 million bounty on his head was not guarded and that there was no fight during the raid?

It was also known beforehand that he would most likely detonate a bomb when fearing his arrest like his predecessor.

It appears, the demented and senile 78 years old 46th President, who is a lifetime career politician and chronic liar for decades wanted to show strength given his many failures as president. A desperate attempt to show some success?

"The leader of the jihadist group Islamic State died in a U.S. special forces raid in northern Syria on Thursday when he detonated a bomb that killed him and family members, the U.S. administration said.

"Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Quraishi had led the group since the death of its founder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was also killed when he detonated explosives during a U.S. raid in 2019. ...
Syrian rescue workers said at least 13 people including six children and four women were killed by clashes and explosions that erupted after the raid began, targeting a house in the Atmeh area near the Turkish border." 

U.S. says Islamic State leader killed in Syria raid | Reuters

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