Sunday, February 06, 2022

The Dark Secrets Of Hitler's Upbringing | Hitler's Secret Sex Life

Very recommendable! I thought, I knew a lot about Hitler's biography, but e.g. his intimate affair, perhaps even including deviant sexual behavior, with his half niece I do not remember.

Hitler's family background is lots of inbreeding. 
Hitler had in 1937 the village destroyed where is father's family came from.
He was possibly 1/4 Jewish. DNA analysis in 2010 confirmed he had Ashkenazi in his genes.
He was breast fed until age 4. He may have developed an Oedipus complex. His mother fixation was evidenced in several ways.
His father was very abusive. He would e.g. beat his children to the point of unconsciousness.
After WW I, Hitler had a number of older patronesses who introduced him into German high society.

One of Hitler's patronesses: Helene Bechstein 

After the older patronesses, he had an intimate affair with his half niece Geli Raubal starting at her age of 17 from 1925-1931

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