Thursday, February 03, 2022

Saudi Arabia Vs Iran: The Rivalry explained

Very recommendable! Nice brief overview! Recapitulates e.g. the many proxy wars in the Middle East between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

This Indian media outlet suggests there is a new rapprochement going on between Saudi Arabia and Iran. There is historical precedent: E.g. during the cold war Saudi Arabia and Iran used to be allies with the United States.

Did you know:
  1. There is a significant Shia minority living in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia in an oil rich province. Recent protests by Shia in that province caused concern
  2. There is a significant Sunni minority living in the Khuzestan province of Iran, where 80% of Iran's oil reserves are located
  3. Saudi Arabia executed Saudi Ayatollah Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr in 2016, who called for free elections in Saudi Arabia

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