Thursday, February 03, 2022

Israel's laser missile defense system readiness significantly accelerated by prime minister

David's new slingshot! Israel at the forefront of advanced weapons systems!

"... On Tuesday (2/1/2022), Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said the system would be deployed “within a year,” first experimentally and then operationally in the South. ...
The IDF has admitted that Iran’s conventional missile threat is a major worry for Israel, which despite its multi-layered air defenses may not be able to contend with intensive missile barrages fired by Iran and its proxy groups like Hezbollah in Lebanon or Shi’ite militias in Iraq. ...
Terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have already tested the Iron Dome’s ability to deal with a heavy barrage, including during the war in May that saw more than 4,000 rockets, missiles and mortars fired toward Israel by the groups. ...
The laser system, meanwhile, costs just a few dollars per pulse. ...
One of the systems being developed with Rafael Advanced Defense Systems is in the advanced stages of research and development. It is a ground-based high-powered laser that will be integrated with the Iron Dome. In parallel, MAFAT is also working on an airborne-based high-powered laser with Elbit.

The Defense Ministry has already carried out a successful series of interceptions using the airborne laser system installed on a civilian plane, downing several drones.
During the June trials, the high-powered laser system that had been installed on a civilian Cessna aircraft destroyed several unmanned aerial vehicles at different ranges and altitudes. According to the ministry, Israel is among the first countries in the world to succeed in integrating laser technology onto an airplane and intercept targets in an operational scenario. ...
The method of airborne interception using a powerful laser has many advantages, including a low cost per interception, the ability to effectively intercept long-range threats at high altitudes regardless of weather conditions, and the ability to defend vast areas. ..."

Israel's laser missile defense really is a new Star Wars - analysis - The Jerusalem Post Israel's powerful laser has many advantages, including the ability to effectively intercept long-range threats at high altitudes regardless of weather conditions and the ability to defend vast areas.

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