Wednesday, February 02, 2022

A Covid Origin Conspiracy? The Watergate Scandal of our time!

Very recommendable!

The covered up and suppressed lab leak hypothesis is akin to or rises to the level of the Watergate scandal of our time except that the perpetrators in government are still not held accountable! This time the culprit is not the president, but top level federal bureaucrats like Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins!
How much of this cover up can be attributed to the Trump Derangement Syndrome exhibited by federal bureaucrats not least because President Trump referred to the China virus?
Or how much was e.g. Anthony Fauci financially invested in China?

Add to this the financing of the so called gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology by Anthony Fauci in circumvention of U.S. regulations!

"... Now a string of unearthed emails—the most recent being a batch viewed by the House Oversight and Reform Committee and referred to in its January 11, 2022 letter—is making it seem increasingly likely that there was, in fact, a conspiracy, its aim being to suppress the notion that the virus had emerged from research funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed by Anthony Fauci. The latest emails don’t prove such a conspiracy, but they make it more plausible, for two reasons: because the expert virologists therein present such a strong case for thinking that the virus had lab-made features and because of the wholly political reaction to this bombshell on the part of Francis Collins, then-director of the National Institutes of Health. ...
A striking feature of the excerpts released in the committee’s January 11, 2022 letter is that the virologists had little doubt that the virus bore the fingerprints of manipulation. The focus of their attention was a genetic element called a furin cleavage site. This short snippet of genetic material is what makes the virus so infectious for human cells. Scientists sometimes add this element to laboratory viruses to make them more virulent, but in nature, viruses usually acquire runs of genetic material like this by swapping them with other members of their family. The furin cleavage site in the Covid virus sticks out like a sore thumb because no other known member of its family—a group called Sarbecoviruses—possesses a furin cleavage site. So how did the virus acquire it?
A member of the Andersen group, Garry of Tulane University, remarks in the latest emails on the fact that the inserted furin cleavage site, a string of 12 units of RNA, the virus’s genetic material, was exactly the required length, a precision unusual in nature: “I just can’t figure out how this gets accomplished in nature . . . it’s stunning. Of course, in the lab it would be easy to generate the perfect 12 base insert that you wanted.” ..."

A Covid Origin Conspiracy? | City Journal Newly released emails make more plausible the contention that Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins presided over the suppression of the lab-leak theory for political reasons.

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