Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Pseudoscience: Harvard Study says Antarctic Ice Sheet melt to lift sea level higher by an additional one meter in 1000 years

Again, Harvard University is a purveyor of the Global Warming hoax, and the Climate Change religion! According to past alarmist forecasts a number of islands should already have been submerged, but it did not happen!

We cannot even forecast weather accurately beyond 48 hours! (Make no mistake, weather forecasting is of similar complexity and difficulty as climate or geophysical modeling)

Shame on the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for publishing such pseudoscience!

"... The new predictions show that in the case of a total collapse of the ice sheet, global sea-level rise estimates would be amplified by an additional meter, about 3 feet, within the next 1,000 years. ...
“If the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed, the most widely cited estimate of the resulting global mean sea-level rise that would result is 3.2 meters,” ...  “What we’ve shown is that the water-expulsion mechanism will add an additional meter, or 30 percent, to the total.” ..."
You read this correctly! A one meter additional increase simulated over 1,000 years! How ludicrous is this! This is modern charlatanry! What an extreme example of the pretense of knowledge!

Here is what the senior author and nutty Harvard professor said:
"... “Every published projection of sea-level rise due to melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet that has been based on climate modeling, whether the projection extends to the end of this century or longer into the future, is going to have to be revised upward because of [our] work,” said Jerry X. Mitrovica, the Frank B. Baird Jr. Professor of Science in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and a senior author on the paper “Every single one.” ..."

This nutty Harvard professor is fairly highly cited according to Google Scholar: 24304 total lifetime citations as of 5/4/2021. However, he is also a paper mill with about 519 total papers! Quantity instead of quality!

Study says Antarctic Ice Sheet melt to lift sea level higher than thought – Harvard Gazette New calculations show the rise due to warming would be 30% above forecasts

Presumably, this is the link to the underlying research article (the Harvard Gazette article omitted the link):

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