Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Police officer seeks a new trial after being convicted in the death of George Floyd

Good news! This obvious travesty/miscarriage of justice needs to be reviewed!

The city of Minneapolis already paid a $27 million settlement pretrial to the Floyd family! How many million dollars will the family of the police officer receive when the legal battle is over?

"... The denial of a motion for a venue change was one of the various issues raised to argue for a new trial. ..."

There is more in the motion than what I present here as an excerpt:
"... intimidation of the defense’s expert witnesses ...a far-reaching chilling effect on defendants’ ability to procure expert witness—especially in high-profile cases ...
The publicity here was so pervasive and so prejudicial before and during this trial that it amounted to a structural defect in the proceedings ...
Court abused its discretion when it failed to sequester the jury for the duration of the trial, or in the least, admonish them to avoid all media, which resulted in jury exposure to prejudicial publicity regarding the trial during the proceedings, as well as jury intimidation and potential fear of retribution among jurors ...
The Court abused its discretion and violated [the defendant's]  rights under the Confrontation Clause when it failed to order Morries Hall [friend of Mr. Floyd and drug dealer] to testify, or in the alternative, to admit into evidence Mr. Hall’s statements to law enforcement regarding his interactions with George Floyd and presence at the May 25, 2020 incident ...
The Court abused its discretion when it submitted instructions to the jury that failed to accurately reflect the law with respect to second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and authorized use of force. ..."

Derek Chauvin seeks a new trial after being convicted in the death of George Floyd | Just The News "The cumulative effect of the multiple errors in these proceedings deprived Mr. Chauvin of a fair trial, in violation of his constitutional rights," the filing states.

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