Friday, May 14, 2021

MIT unveils a new action plan to tackle the climate crisis

When phony ideologies trump science! Even the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is purveyor of the Global Warming hoax and Climate Change religion! The President of MIT is an ideologue! Appalling! 

This is so medieval! Worshipers of the apocalypse from the President of MIT down!

MIT is preaching socialist centrally planned economics!

"MIT has released an ambitious new plan for action to address the world’s accelerating climate crisis. The plan, titled “Fast Forward: MIT’s Climate Action Plan for the Decade,” ... to bring the Institute’s expertise to bear on this critical global issue.
As MIT President L. Rafael Reif and other senior leaders have written in a letter to the MIT community announcing the new plan, “Humanity must find affordable, equitable ways to bring every sector of the global economy to net-zero carbon emissions no later than 2050.” ...
MIT is already well on its way to reaching the initial target, set in 2015, to reduce the Institute’s net carbon emissions by at least 32 percent from 2005 levels by the year 2030. ...
Professor Lester. “An existential challenge like climate change calls for both immediate action and extraordinary long shots. I believe the people of MIT are capable of both.”"

MIT unveils a new action plan to tackle the climate crisis | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Institute commits to net-zero emissions by 2026, charts course marshaling all of MIT’s capabilities toward decarbonization.

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