Saturday, May 01, 2021

MIT: In Compton Lecture, Kwame Anthony Appiah analyzes foundations of racism

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology from the president President L. Rafael Reif down, who provided introductory remarks and then moderated the questions and answers session, is a purveyor of phony ideologies! The MIT President apparently made no effort to challenge the phony ideologies of the lecturer!

Lecturer mentions the controversial socialist W.E.B. Du Bois, but not e.g. the much more effective Booker T. Washington!

"... anti-Black racism, for instance, only fully emerged in connection with the development of the modern Atlantic slave trade. [Was there never any racism among the indigenous people of Africa? Anti-Black racism predates the Atlantic Save trade]... Regarding the full-blown creation of anti-Black prejudice that arose to justify the Atlantic slave trade, Appiah noted, “Its effect was to rationalize the appalling treatment of Black people that the trade and practice of enslavement involved, as well as to defend, a little bit later, colonial empires.” [What about African empires on the African continent? Did they never colonize other people and land?] He added: “We are still living with legacies of that white supremacy.” ...
Racial solidarity among African Americans, given the history of white supremacy, is not a kind of racist ideology [except for black supremacy], and the attitudes it produces are not racist,” ..."

In Compton Lecture, Kwame Anthony Appiah analyzes foundations of racism | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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