Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Israel Defense Forces killed at least six Hamas military leaders

Good news! Good riddance of these cowards who hide among civilians and attack indiscriminately civilians! Those who live by the sword ...
When will the Arab people finally get rid of these terrorist thugs like Hamas, Hezbollah, PLO etc.?

No sovereign country in the world would tolerate to have hundreds or more missiles day after day fired on their densely crowded civilian population! What is the cognitively impaired 46th President of the U.S. doing about it?

The great restraint that Israel is exercising in dealing with these daily terrorist attacks by missiles is admirable!

"... The Shin Bet security service identifies four top Hamas commanders who were killed in its joint operation with the Israel Defense Forces, along with two others who were killed in an earlier strike on a Hamas base. ..."

Israel Takes Out, Mocks Hamas Intel Chiefs: 'Looks Like Our Intel Was Better'

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