Friday, May 14, 2021

Harvard University pseudoscience: How unjust police killings damage the mental health of Black Americans

Harvard University is purveyor of phony ideologies and pseudoscience! The elite university is race baiting and promoting skin color based victimhood! Appalling!

This is so absurd! So the many black on black killings and maimings in which also numerous children die from e.g. drive by shootings etc. is not causing damage to the mental health of Black Americans?

What kind of a nutty professor or quack is this Harvard professor David R. Williams? A "professor of African and African American Studies and Sociology at Harvard University" When you look at his Google Scholar profile (over 99,000 lifetime citations and about 571 papers, but he has apparently not published anything since 2018), you will discover that this professor is race obsessed based on his most cited articles.

How unjust police killings damage the mental health of Black Americans – Harvard Gazette Harvard Chan’s David R. Williams, whose research looks at how discrimination affects Black people’s health, appeared on “60 Minutes” in April. Research tracks the ways racial discrimination wreaks a physical, psychological toll

Here is the link of one of the studies this nutty professor worked on:
Police killings and their spillover effects on the mental health of black Americans: a population-based, quasi-experimental study (2018, The Lancet; funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and National Institutes of Health)

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