Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Covid pandemic should serve as ‘Chernobyl moment’ for global health reform, international WHO experts say

Preposterous and hilarious! What international charlatans at the World Health Organisation including the Director General came up with this association? 

The only thing that sort of supports this phony association is that Chernobyl 1986 happened under communist dictatorship in the former Soviet Union and the current Covid-19 pandemic originated in Wuhan, China and China is under communist dictatorship since 1949. How many people actually died from the Chernobyl disaster? Very few!

In response to the Chernobyl disaster, many Western democracies terribly overreacted and countries like Germany started to demonize nuclear power to this day. Should we now perhaps demonize and shut down virology research or pharmaceutical companies?

Here is the list of charlatans, diverse and inclusive:
"... WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus named Clark and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former president of Liberia and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, co-chairs of the panel. Sirleaf and Clark then selected 13 additional members, including: Ernesto Zedillo, former president of Mexico; Joanne Liu, former international president of Doctors Without Borders; and Precious Matsoso, former director general of South Africa’s national department of health. ..."

International panel calls for overhaul of pandemic preparedness efforts

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