Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Chuck Schumer: A Bold Plan for Clean Cars

I would say not only the 46th President, but also the 71 year old lifelong career politician (since 1975) U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is obviously and seriously cognitively impaired! He has wholeheartedly adopted phony ideologies like the Global Warming hoax and Climate Change religion!

Chuck Schumer has outed himself as a hardcore socialist economic central planner and dictator! He reeks of arrogance and pretense of knowledge!

Does this fool not even know that the production of electric vehicles is anything but environmentally friendly and where is all the electricity going to come from?

One more good reason why the members of the U.S. Congress should have term limits like the U.S. president!

"Scientists tell us that to avoid the most devastating effects of climate change, the world needs to be carbon neutral — to have net-zero carbon dioxide emissions — by midcentury. At the moment, we are not remotely on track to meet that target. We need to act urgently and ambitiously, which will require building diverse coalitions of political support. ...
The goal of the plan, which also aims to spur a transformation in American manufacturing, is that by 2040 all vehicles on the road should be clean."

Opinion | Chuck Schumer: A Bold Plan for Clean Cars - The New York Times (10/19/2019) I have a proposal that is supported not just by environmentalists but also by labor and large automakers.

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