Sunday, May 02, 2021

Article about and Interview with Joseph Biden from 1974

I presume the 1974 article from the Washingtonian below is not a fabrication. Term limits to prevent lifelong career politicians in the U.S. Congress are long overdue!

Delusions of grandeur and calling for higher office have been with the vain Joseph Biden since he entered politics in 1972!

"White House resident Joe Biden was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972, at the age of 29. Two years later, in 1974, the Delaware Democrat was the subject of a 4,000-plus-word Washingtonian profile, but not for anything he had accomplished in office. ..."

"...  “My [first] wife always wanted me to be on the Supreme Court,” he says. “But while I know I can be a good Senator, and I know I can be a good President, I do know that I could never be another Oliver Wendell Holmes. I know I could have easily made the White House with Neilia [Biden's first wife who died in a tragic car accident]. And my family still expects me to be there one of these days. ...
“My [first] wife was the brains behind my campaign. I would never have made it here without her. It’s hard to imagine ever going through another campaign without her. She was the most intelligent human being I have ever known. She was absolutely brilliant. I’m smart but Neilia was ten times smarter. And she had the best political sense of anybody in the world. She always knew the right thing to do [except for that fateful day when she overlooked that a truck was coming before she made the deadly turn with all small children aboard her car]. ...
I might satisfy her in bed but I didn’t have much time for anything else. That’s when she started campaigning with me and that’s when I started winning. ...
My personality either grabs you or it doesn’t. ... I’m not an in-between type. ...
Named one of the ten best-dressed men in the Senate, Joe Biden looks like Robert Redford’s Great Gatsby in natty pin-striped suits, elegant silk ties, and black tassled loafers. He dresses rich. ...
He defines politics as power. “And, whether you like it or not, young lady,” he says, leaning over his desk to shake a finger at me, “us cruddy politicians can take away that First Amendrnent of yours if we want to.” ...
At first my dad tried to talk me into running for governor but I told him I didn’t want to be a damn old administrator. ...
I want to find a woman to adore me again. ...
Politics is a damn expensive business. I had one hell of a time trying to raise money as a candidate. I had to put a second mortgage on roy house to get that campaign started, and I ended up spending over $300,000 to get elected. I believe that public financing of federal election campaigns is the only thing that will insure good candidates and save the two-party system. ...
Unlike most other senators, Biden makes no bones about saying he is underpaid. Last September, when the Senate was debating a pay raise for itself, he said, “I dont know about the rest of you but I am worth a lot more than my salary of $42,500 a year [in 1974!!!] in this body. ...
I vote my own way and it is not always with the Democrats. I did vote for George McGovern, of course, but I would have voted for Mickey Mouse against Richard Nixon. I despise that man.” ...
Senator Biden doesn’t believe issues make much difference in an election—personality and presentation are the key ... a vehicle by which the voters will determine your honesty and candor. The central issue of my campaign ... was to convince the people that I was intelligent and to convince them that I was honest. ..."

Death and the All-American Boy Joe Biden was a lot more careful around the press after this 1974 profile.

Credits: Biden from the Beginning Right from the start, the Delaware Democrat was all about power and money.

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