Monday, May 10, 2021

A child’s 78,000-year-old grave marks Africa’s oldest human burial

Amazing stuff! From Africa, the cradle of humanity, but also the cause of black supremacy and black privilege!

"... Researchers who unearthed the ancient youngster’s remains say that they’ve found the oldest known intentional human burial in Africa. ...
Even if it’s true Mtoto is the oldest burial in Africa, more Middle Stone Age burials have been found in Eurasia and the Middle East than in Africa. Humans were buried in an Israeli cave more than 90,000 years ago ... And Neandertals may have buried their dead in an Iraqi Kurdistan cave 60,000 to 70,000 years ago ..."

A child’s 78,000-year-old grave marks Africa’s oldest human burial | Science News Excavations at Panga ya Saidi [Kenya] pushed back the ritual’s date at least a few thousand years

Here is the link to the underlying research article:
Earliest known human burial in Africa (No public access. However, The Scientist article above als makes the PDF available)

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