In honor of Thomas Paine and other Founders & Immigrants. In memory of my daddy Horst Bingel
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Why does MACAU want to become the NASDAQ of CHINA?
Selected famous quotes by Voltaire
Were Voltaire to return to France today, he would be in for a big surprise! He would immediately note that not much has changed since he died in 1778! Voltaire's wisdom is timeless for the ages! Not to compete with Voltaire, but I humbly tried to provide some commentary.
All quotes are taken from: Wikiquote: Voltaire
Je meurs en adorant Dieu, en aimant mes amis, en ne haïssant pas mes ennemis et en détestant la superstition
(I die adoring God, loving my friends, not hating my enemies, and detesting superstition)
Comment: Voltaire would not believe that humans in the 21st century believe in such superstitions like Climate Change!
On parle toujours mal quand on n'a rien à dire
(One always speaks badly when one has nothing to say)
Comment: I like his observation about human nature.
Les anciens Romains élevaient des prodiges d'architecture pour faire combattre des bêtes
(The ancient Romans built their greatest masterpieces of architecture for wild beasts to fight in)
Comment: That is one reductionist way to look at Rome! :-)
Go into the London Stock Exchange – a more respectable place than many a court – and you will see representatives from all nations gathered together for the utility of men. Here Jew, Mohammedan and Christian deal with each other as though they were all of the same faith, and only apply the word infidel to people who go bankrupt. Here the Presbyterian trusts the Anabaptist and the Anglican accepts a promise from the Quaker.
Comment: What a great observation on the many merits of free market economies
- If there were only one religion in England there would be danger of despotism, if there were two they would cut each other's throats, but there are thirty, and they live in peace and happiness.
- Being of opinion that the doctrine and history of so extraordinary a sect as the Quakers were very well deserving the curiosity of every thinking man, I resolved to make myself acquainted with them
Le superflu, chose très nécessaire
(The superfluous, a very necessary thing)
Comment: Who gets to decide what is superfluous and what is not? Is superfluous not in the eye of the beholder?
Le paradis terrestre est où je suis
(Paradise on earth is where I am)
Comment: During your lifetime, is it not your choice to make paradise on earth for yourself and for others?
Usez, n’abusez point; le sage ainsi l’ordonne. Je fuis également Épictète et Pétrone. L’abstinence ou l’excès ne fit jamais d’heureux.
(Use, do not abuse; as the wise man commands. I flee Epictetus and Petronius alike. Neither abstinence nor excess ever renders man happy.)
Comment: Avoid extremes!
Il vaut mieux hasarder de sauver un coupable que de condamner un innocent
(It is better to risk sparing a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one.)
Comment: Have you ever wondered why capital punishment was abolished in Western countries? I have written a critical assessment of the death penalty here.
Les opinions ont plus causé de maux sur ce petit globe que la peste et les tremblements de terre
(Opinions have caused more ills than the plague or earthquakes on this little globe of ours)
Comment: Was Voltaire a misanthrope you have to wonder sometimes
Mari qui veut surprendre est souvent fort surpris
(The husband who decides to surprise his wife is often very much surprised himself)
Comment: Gender equality? How naive men can be when it is about women?
Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande
(Men will always be mad, and those who think they can cure them are the maddest of all)
Comment: Something to ponder about!
Si Dieu n'existait pas, il faudrait l'inventer
(If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him)
Comment: Wise words indeed!
Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien
(The best is the enemy of the good)
Comment: This is one of his most famous quotes!
L'amour est de toutes les passions la plus forte, parce qu'elle attaque à la fois la tête, le cœur et le corps
(Love is of all the passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart, and the body)
Comment: Could anyone, but a French philosopher have said it any better?
I am convinced that everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganges, astronomy, astrology, metempsychosis, etc. It does not behoove us, who were only savages and barbarians when these Indians and Chinese peoples were civilized and learned, to dispute their antiquity.
Comment: That is called enlightenment!
If this is the best of possible worlds, what then are the others?
Comment: Good question!
Our labor preserves us from three great evils -- weariness, vice, and want.
Comment: Very ancient wisdom, I suspect! But, it deserves repeating especially also in our time! The virtue of labor!
On dit quelquefois, le sens commun est fort rare...
(It is sometimes said, common sense is very rare.)
Comment: Common sense is very rare indeed!
Tous les hommes seraient donc nécessairement égaux, s’ils étaient sans besoins. La misère attachée à notre espèce subordonne un homme à un autre homme: ce n’est pas l’inégalité qui est un malheur réel, c’est la dépendance.
(All men would then be necessarily equal, if they were without needs. It is the poverty connected with our species which subordinates one man to another. It is not inequality which is the real misfortune, it is dependence.)
Comment: Humans are not equal in their wants and needs!
Les hommes vertueux ont seuls des amis.
(Virtuous men alone possess friends)
Comment: This is about true friendship, which is rare.
Qu’est-ce que la tolérance? c’est l’apanage de l’humanité. Nous sommes tous pétris de faiblesses et d’erreurs; pardonnons-nous réciproquement nos sottises, c’est la première loi de la nature.
(What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other's folly — that is the first law of nature.)
Comment: If you want peace on earth ...
En général, l’art du gouvernement consiste à prendre le plus d’argent qu’on peut à une grande partie des citoyens, pour le donner à une autre partie.
(In general, the art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other.)
Comment: Do we need government to replace voluntary charity, philanthropy and private individual donations?
An avalanche of violence: New analysis reveals predictable patterns in armed conflicts
“Your intuition says each of these conflicts should be a consequence of specific social and cultural dynamics,” ... “but then you do the analyses and you find that in fact these seemingly different conflicts are characterized by the same patterns.” ...
discovered the general patterns by looking at how an initial event spreads and ignites conflicts in other regions. ... likens these “conflict avalanches” to well-known cascades in nature. If you add enough sand to a pile, for example, the sides will eventually become so steep that a single new grain can create an avalanche. By virtue of collapse, however, the slope flattens and allows another build-up. ...
These cascade dynamics might seem to explain large variation among conflict outbreaks, with some petering out quickly and others generating long-lasting conflagrations. ... in their work, have also found it essential to account for regional variation. Not only is conflict much more frequent and intense in some regions compared to others, the spatial variation in intensity may itself follow a scaling law. ..."
We show how this approach akin to thermodynamics imparts mechanistic intuition and unifies multiple conflict properties, giving insight into causation, prediction, and intervention timing."
How many well known morons are in the 46th president's administration?
Way too many!
- Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry (interesting I did not blog about him much before, but he was e.g. easily the dumbest secretary of state since 1945. It is almost painful to watch him speak and act. Why is Kerry not taking care of his grandchildren?)
- Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen (I blogged here, here, and here about her). Is this the best candidate, the Dimocratic Party has to offer?
- Agency for International Development Samantha Powers (I blogged here about her)
- Director of the Domestic Policy Council Susan Rice (I blogged here about her) and more.
I am probably missing quite a few other morons here!
Linda Thomas-Greenfield nominated as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Her curriculum vitae does not look impressive at all! However, she is female and she has a black skin color. That counts these days more than lifetime accomplishments and mental capabilities!
Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana (population 102,000) nominated for Secretary of Transportation. What is his qualification? He is openly a member of the LGBTQ cult?
Toilet Hell: Over 25 Years of Failed Flushing
Then there was a huge shift in the toilet paper market. Paper once used only for the most primitive systems and in prisons suddenly became common. ...
Black markets developed. You could briefly buy large tank toilets online, but those ran out. Then a porcelain-running market developed between the US and Canada, until border control tightened. Fines increased to $2,500 for any plumber in the US who installed one, and inspectors were forced to report them."
Pfizer CEO to Receive Technion Honarary Doctorate
Dr. Bourla completed all of his academic degrees at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and holds a Ph.D. in veterinary medicine and reproductive biotechnology. In 1993 he joined Pfizer, one of the world’s leading biopharmaceutical companies, where he went on to hold a series of positions."
Saturday, January 30, 2021
SARS-CoV-2: A reminder of the horrors of biological warfare
Whether or not this virus was unintentionally released or accidentally escaped or was deliberately released from a (civilian/military) laboratory in Wuhan, China or not, cannot obscure the fact that this virus is another valuable lesson of what could happen should a biological warfare break out. In short, pandemonium!
We can be very thankful that this SARS-CoV-2 virus is relatively harmless as if it was a ominous reminder how dangerous it could have been had another, more lethal virus been released. Just imagine ...
The whole world ought to insist that the Communist Party of China fully cooperates in thoroughly investigating this incident! Pressure ought to be put on the dictator for life, Xi Jinpeng to resign.
The specter of a war with biological agents was shrouded in some kind of mystery or obscurity for decades. If I am not mistaken, not much was discussed about it in public as if not to frighten the general public. Unlike nuclear warfare, biological warfare has received much less attention then it has deserved and it ought to deserve. When comparing nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare, it is quite obvious that latter is most likely the most dangerous one. The Covid-19 global pandemic was also a stark reminder how unprepared most countries are should a biological warfare ensue. This might and ought to change now!
Biden’s Executive Order Shows Big Labor—Not Taxpayers—Is the Priority
Federal official time has been lucrative giveaway to public employee unions since it was created by federal law in the 1970s. In 2016, those unions were granted 3.63 million hours of official time to spend doing union business at a cost to taxpayers of $177.2 million. ...
Biden also ordered federal agencies to purge, suspend, or revise any actions they have taken to implement restrictions on official time. ..."
Karl von Habsburg: Zur Zukunft Europas
In Europa wurden im vorigen Jahrhundert einige Versuche unternommen, den Himmel auf Erden zu erschaffen: Nationalismus, Nationalsozialismus, Kommunismus, all diese Ideologien sind gescheitert. Sie haben Millionen von Menschen in den gewaltsamen Tod getrieben und massive wirtschaftliche Schäden verursacht. Ideologien sind vermeintliche Heilslehren, die kein Heil bringen können, weil sie sich der Vernunft entziehen. ...
Krisen haben wir von vornherein ausgeschlossen. Und wenn sie doch kommen – denn ohne Krisen kommt die friedlichste Zeit nicht aus –, dann haben wir auf jenen Wohlfahrtsstaat vertraut, der sich spätestens ab den 70er Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts, im Westen des Kontinents beginnend, in Europa etabliert hat. ...
Dass wir diesen Wohlfahrtstaat im Schatten des Kalten Krieges entwickeln konnten, verdanken wir mindestens zwei Umständen. Das eine ist der militärische Schutzschirm, den die westliche Supermacht USA mit der Nato über den westlichen Teil Europas gespannt hat. ... Der zweite Umstand ist jene Politik, die unter dem Begriff „Wirtschaftswunder“ heute noch bekannt ist. Es war eine Politik, für die nicht Planwirtschaft, sondern Marktwirtschaft im Mittelpunkt stand. Der Staat hat Ordnungspolitik betrieben, nicht Interventionspolitik. In Deutschland stand dafür Ludwig Erhard, in Österreich der Raab-Kamitz-Kurs. Eine solide Währungspolitik der deutschen Bundesbank hat mit dazu beigetragen, dass sich ein solider Mittelstand etablieren konnte, der durch Leistung, Sparen und Investieren, sowohl im privaten als auch im unternehmerischen Sinn, dazu beigetragen hat, dass es der nächsten Generation besser ging. ...
Die Politik des Wirtschaftswunders basiert auf Eigeninitiative und Leistung. Der Wohlfahrtsstaat ist ein Konzept, um die Bürger – noch dazu mit ihrem eigenen Geld – vom Staat abhängig zu machen. ...
Die Entwicklung dieses Wohlfahrtsstaates im Schatten des Kalten Krieges hat auch die außenpolitische Kraft der europäischen Länder erlahmen lassen. Eine Entwicklung, die wir sowohl während der Kriege am Balkan in Folge der Auflösung Jugoslawiens beobachten mussten, aber auch bei der Aggression Russlands gegen die Ukraine. Es war für die europäischen Politiker recht bequem, die wirklich wichtigen außenpolitischen Entscheidungen, inklusive der Sicherheitspolitik, den USA zu überlassen. ...
Dieser Wohlfahrtsstaat braucht einen immer größeren Staatsapparat, um die vergemeinschafteten Mittel zu verwalten. Damit verbraucht er aber immer größere Mittel aus dem Steuertopf, um die eigene Bürokratie zu erhalten. ... „Je mehr Funktionen ein Staat übernimmt, desto schwerer ist seine Verwaltung zu kontrollieren.“ ... „Je größer und je vielseitiger der Staat, desto einflussloser das Volk.“ ...
Das Problem dabei ist, dass die Politik heute Krisen nicht mehr meistert, sondern eine neue Krise die alte Krise aus den Medien und damit aus der öffentlichen Debatte verdrängt. [oder eine Krise jagt die andere] ...
Sie kennen den schönen Ausspruch: Rom wurde nicht an einem Tag erbaut. Auch die europäische Einigung wird nicht an einem Tag vollendet, sie ist ein Prozess, der von Fortschritten und Rückschlägen gekennzeichnet ist. ...
Gerade in dieser Außen- und Sicherheitspolitischen Frage braucht es eine europäische Souveränität. Souveränität bedeutet im konkreten Fall die Fähigkeit zu handeln und zu gestalten. ...
Dazu brauchen wir einen Kern einer europäischen Verfassung, in der genau diese außenpolitische Kompetenz für die Europäische Union festgeschrieben wird. Ein Punkt übrigens, der auch allen Anforderungen der Subsidiarität entsprechen würde. ...
Die EZB konterkariert mit ihrer Politik den Abbau der Schulden. Das betrifft sowohl die Nullzinspolitik als auch den Ankauf von Staatsanleihen. Damit werden keine Anreize zum Abbau von Schulden gesetzt, im Gegenteil, eine höhere Verschuldung wird attraktiv. ..."
Innovative tool offers hope for children with rapid-aging disease progeria
“To our knowledge, this work resulted in the strongest rescue of the symptoms of progeria by multiple measures,” he continued. “Five years ago, we were still finishing the development of the very first base editor. If you had told me then that within five years, a single dose of a base editor could address progeria in an animal at the DNA, RNA, protein, vascular pathology, and lifespan levels, I would have said, ‘There’s no way.’ ...
Since about half of all known disease-causing mutations are single-letter errors (like progeria), other scientists could use this study as a guide to hone base editors to cure more genetic disorders in humans. ...
While the team observed no significant off-target edits, some of the longest-living mice developed liver tumors, a known complication when using adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) to deliver genes into mice that are allowed to live into old age. ..."
Lessons from the host defenses of bats, a unique viral reservoir
bats represent 1,423 of the more than 6,400 known species of mammal ...
Bats have been associated with infectious diseases for centuries. Their role in the transmission of rabies virus led Metchnikov to investigate fruit bat macrophages and their immune responses in 1909 ...
By contrast, infected bats show no or minimal signs of disease even when high viral titres are detected in tissues or sera, which suggests that they are tolerant of viral diseases ...
Humans express minimal baseline levels of type I interferons (IFNs), and they are highly inducible upon stimulation. By comparison, the black flying fox (Pteropus alecto) constitutively expresses some baseline IFNα, and many species of bats express several IFN-stimulated genes before stimulation. ... The kinetics of the IFN response in bats also differs from those of other mammals, with a faster decline phase for some bat interferon-stimulated genes. In addition, several antiviral genes ... are IFN-induced in bats but not in other mammals or have undergone selection pressure to potentially alter function, such as those encoding Mx proteins96 and APOBEC397 ...
In addition to the innate immune responses, recent studies have shed light on other mechanisms of bat host defence. Enhanced autophagy has a key role in the increased clearance of lyssavirus from bat cells, and is known to regulate immunity and mediate pathogen clearance. Bats express very high levels of heat-shock proteins, which confers upon bat cells the ability to survive at high temperature and high oxidative stress in vitro. ...
Both naturally infected and experimentally infected bats indicate tolerance of viral infection, even during a transient phase of high viral titres. ... This supports an immunological tolerance to RNA viruses in bats, particularly during the acute response. ..."
Bats show an excellent balance between enhanced host defence responses and immune tolerance through several mechanisms. Examples of enhanced host defences include constitutive expression of IFNs and interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), increased expression of heat-shock proteins (HSPs), a higher base level expression of the efflux pump ABCB1 and enhanced autophagy. On the other hand, dampened STING and suppressed inflammasome pathways—such as dampened NLRP3, loss of PYHIN and downstream IL-1β—contribute to immune tolerance in bats.
Friday, January 29, 2021
Biden’s Worst Executive Order Went Almost Entirely Unnoticed
How ecstasy and psilocybin are shaking up psychiatry
And there are risks. In extremely rare instances, psychedelics such as psilocybin and LSD can evoke a lasting psychotic reaction, more often in people with a family history of psychosis. Those with schizophrenia, for example, are excluded from trials involving psychedelics as a result. ...
Several trials show dramatic results: in a study published in November 2020, for example, 71% of people who took Psilocybin for major depressive disorder showed a greater than 50% reduction in symptoms after four weeks, and half of the participants entered remission. Some follow-up studies after therapy, although small, have shown lasting benefits. ...
In the 1950s and 1960s, scientists published more than 1,000 articles on using psychedelics as a psychiatric treatment; the drugs were tested on around 40,000 people in total. Then, as recreational use of the drugs spread, they were banned and the FDA constricted supplies for research. Only recently have neuroscientists and psychopharmacologists ... had the technology to start unpicking how they work in the brain. ...
It is now thought that these antidepressants work not by flooding the brain with the neurotransmitter, as was initially assumed, but by stimulating neuroplasticity — the brain’s ability to forge new neuronal connections. There is some evidence that psychedelic drugs, such as psilocybin, enhance neuroplasticity in animals, and limited evidence suggests that the same might happen in human brains ..."
Royal Society of Chemistry: Marking the Anthropocene
Researchers construct molecular nanofibers that are stronger than steel
This finding led the authors to wonder if the nanoribbons could be bundled to produce stable macroscopic materials. ... a strategy whereby aligned nanoribbons were pulled into long threads that could be dried and handled. ... showed that the threads could hold 200 times their own weight and have extraordinarily high surface areas — 200 square meters per gram of material. "This high surface-to-mass ratio offers promise for miniaturizing technologies by performing more chemistry with less material ..."
Chinas HNA-Konglomerat ist bankrott
Kay Gottschalk zum Stand der Wirecard-Aufarbeitung
Liz Wheeler: How to drain the swamp
Thursday, January 28, 2021
GameStop and The AUDACITY of these BILLIONAIRES with Grant Stinchfield
Largest-ever survey exposes career obstacles for LGBTQ scientists
Microsoft DeBERTa surpasses human performance on the SuperGLUE benchmark
LAMBDA: The ultimate Microsoft Excel worksheet function
Amgen’s KRAS-blocking drug proves effective for lung cancer patients
DALL·E: Creating Images from Text
Auslaufmodell – Warum Deutschland in der Corona-Krise versagt
Fiscal Federalism and the Dependency of Atlantic Canada by Fraser Institute
Maricopa County Votes to Perform Forensic Audit of Machines Used in November 2020 Election
Harvard Professor wants to expand understanding of environmental literature a.k.a. climate fiction
Scientists jump-start two people’s brains after coma
Forscher finden Schwachstelle in RNA-Polymerase von Coronaviren
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Steve Turley: Texas Rep Files TEXAS INDEPENDENCE ACT as Support for Secession SURGES!!!
EU facing £200m punishment bill from Sir James Dyson as UK business turns on bloc!
Switzerland's brutal rejection of EU membership: 'Whole thing is ridiculous!'
Biden halts wall construction with just a half-mile left in NM
Meet the Cochin Jews - Israel’s oldest Indian community
Recycling single-use plastic with bacteria
What the world can learn about immunity from Israel’s Covid-19 vaccine rollout
studies showed the mRNA vaccines to be about 95 percent effective within a certain amount of time after the second dose. ...
Maccabi [HMOs] saw a 60% drop in Covid-19 hospitalizations among members aged 60 and over as little as two days after the second dose. ...
“We see only one to two mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 virus genome per month — which is not a lot compared to other viruses. Most mutations don’t cause any recognizable change in the virus and some actually harm the virus. It’s rare that a mutation gives a virus an advantage.” ..."
The 46th President of the U.S. Reverses U.S. Policy, Cancels the Keystone XL Pipeline
Immuno-antibiotics: A New Frontier in the Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance
Not to mention the economic burden to patients and the health care system. In 2006, hospital-acquired sepsis and pneumonia cost the U.S. health care system more than $8 billion. ...
In the last two decades, only a few new antibiotics have been approved for clinical use and resistant bacteria have already emerged against these new drugs. ...
Rome: Bread and circuses
SARS-CoV-2 Needs Cholesterol to Invade Cells and Form Mega Cells
“Cholesterol is an integral part of the membranes that surround cells and some viruses, including SARS-CoV-2. ...
These experiments and others suggested that if SARS-CoV-2’s membrane lacks cholesterol, the virus cannot enter its target cell. ...
This isn’t the first evidence implicating cholesterol. The previous study ... found that the body’s immune response to the virus produces a compound that depletes cholesterol – but in this case from the cell’s own membrane, not the virus’s. ...
The interesting thing is that cholesterol’s role in viral entry varies a lot between viruses.” It’s not clear exactly how cholesterol aids SARS-CoV-2, but understanding that process could offer clues about the biology of infection ...
Together with cell biological and biophysical approaches, the screen reveals an essential role for membrane cholesterol in spike-mediated fusion, which extends to replication-competent SARS-CoV-2 isolates. Our findings provide a molecular basis for positive outcomes reported in COVID-19 patients taking statins, and suggest new strategies for therapeutics targeting the membrane of SARS-CoV-2 and other fusogenic viruses. ..."
Europa vor dem Black-Out: Weckruf aus der Strombranche
Schumer advises Biden to declare 'climate emergency' to circumvent Congress on certain agenda items
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Golda: A biographical documentary film about Golda Meir
A Tweak to Immune Cells Reverses Aging in Mice
COX-2 activation is the first step in the production of a lipid called prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), which can bind to one of its receptors, EP2, on immune cells and promote inflammation. To plug up the pathway, [researchers have] shown that deleting the EP2 receptor in mouse macrophages and brain-specific microglia—the cells normally responsible for detecting and destroying immune invaders and cellular debris—reduces inflammation and increases neuronal survival in response to both a bacterial toxin and a neurotoxin. ... "
Our study suggests that cognitive ageing ... can be reversed by reprogramming myeloid glucose metabolism to restore youthful immune functions."