Wednesday, December 09, 2020

The Far-Reaching Impact of Dr. Timnit Gebru. Really!

The fawning over this cause celebrity researcher is building up! I blogged here about researchers trying to extort Google about her.

I hate to disappoint, but the total lifetime citation score of this so much celebrated researcher is only 2059 (Google Scholar (as of 12/8/2020)); or 1649 with 24 total publications (Microsoft Academic (as of 12/8/2020)). This is not very impressive!

"Few researchers make breakthrough contributions to even a single field. Fewer still can claim to have made breakthrough contributions to multiple fields. Dr. Timnit Gebru is one of those few. ...
Her impact goes far beyond her own research. She is one of the founders of the ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT), one of the most prestigious and well-known conferences related to machine learning ethics. As co-founder of Black In AI, she helped increase the number of Black attendees at NeurIPS from just 6 in 2016 to 500 in 2017, a nearly 100-fold increase in just one year. ..."

The Far-Reaching Impact of Dr. Timnit Gebru Dr. Timnit Gebru's contributions range from circuit design at Apple to computer vision research at Stanford to her global leadership in AI Ethics

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