Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Researchers are starting to refuse to review Google AI papers

Science and politics are often mixed together and not to the benefit of former. Ideology often trumps science!

I do not know the exact details or circumstances about the employment or departure of Timnit Gebru by/from Google, but I have a hunch that this cause celebre researcher has been a zealous race/gender/diversity ideologue and militant! Her research paper seem to indicate that. In addition, she self proclaims/promotes permanent victimhood/victim mentality of herself: "people like me who are constantly dehumanized". 

Google AI/machine learning research is often top quality and cutting edge. Many of its research papers are excellent or seminal. Just take this famous paper as an example: Attention Is All You Need (published in 2017, citation count 13,592 as of 12/8/2020)
To extort Google in this manner is a shameful disservice to science!

Some well known researchers already have come out to engage in this refusal, e.g. Anima Anandkapur (California Institute of Technology and Nvidia)

Researchers are starting to refuse to review Google AI papers | VentureBeat Computer scientists in AI are beginning to refuse to review Google AI research until Google changes its stance on former AI ethics co-lead Timnit Gebru.

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