Sunday, December 06, 2020

Dog ticks may bite humans more as the climate changes

What a ridiculous piece of science journalism! Climate Change is held responsible for almost anything on planet earth! Journalists bitten by the Climate Change tick!

Would it not be more reasonable to assume that the increasing number of human and pet cohabitation may have something to do with it? Natural selection and adaption at work here? Did not the number of dogs living together with humans increase significantly over the last two decades or so. 

Here is some 2017/18 statistics from the American Veterinary Medical Association (source):
Percent of households owning a dog: 38.4%
Number of households owning a dog: 48,255,413
Average number of dogs owned per household: 1.6

Honestly, I am quite a bit shocked about these huge numbers of dog companionship in the U.S.! Not sure this is a healthy sign for a society! E.g. every time, I see a human adult pushing a stroller through a shopping mall with two dogs in it, it looks awkward. Does this overall not indicate some degree of loneliness or lack of human relations?

Dog ticks may bite humans more as the climate changes | Science News

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