Sunday, December 06, 2020

A brief hypothesis about the U.S. November 2020 presidential election fraud

One can assume that both parties, i.e. Dimocratic Party and the GOP, resorted to some election fraud for decades in places where each party dominated. It was mutually accepted and tolerated by both parties.

However, with the November 2020 general elections, the Dimocratic Party was so obsessed with defeating President Trump (by all means necessary) that they engaged in such massive election fraud that it blew up on them, because Trump had a tremendous lead over Biden! Those Dimocratic Party operatives behind this became negligent, careless and sloppy! No cover up or plausible deniability was possible anymore.

Unfortunately for the Dimocratic Party, President Trump is no lifelong career politician who would take such huge corruption without a fight! This November election will undoubtedly go down in history! Hopefully, the election process in the U.S. will be cleaned up in the wake of this massive fraud!

There is even a video where Joseph Biden admits he assembled the greatest voting fraud machine ever. His Freudian slip was perhaps the only time he really spoke the truth during his candidacy (see my blog here)

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