In honor of Thomas Paine and other Founders & Immigrants. In memory of my daddy Horst Bingel
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Transgender Inmates to Be Housed Based on Gender Identity in California
Will the female prisoners of California please protest!
Transgender Inmates to Be Housed Based on Gender Identity in California
Markus Söder: Ab 2035 sollen Benziner und Dieselautos Geschichte sein
Söder: Ab 2035 sollen Benziner und Dieselautos Geschichte sein "Ich bin sehr dafür, dass wir uns ein Enddatum setzen, ab dem Zeitpunkt, an dem fossile Verbrenner mit fossilen Kraftstoffen nicht mehr neu zugelassen werden können"
Monday, September 28, 2020
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Saturday, September 26, 2020
The Mysteries Of The Viking Sagas
Amy Coney Barrett: I pledge to be mindful of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's legacy
Friday, September 25, 2020
Der Martin: Und ich bleibe dabei (Ich lieb' CO2)
CO2 ist ein lebenswichtiges Spurengas und nicht das Armageddon als das es hingestellt wird von den umnachteten sog. Umweltschützern
In den Niederlanden gewinnt die Nutzung der Kernkraft neue Fahrt
"Bis zu zehn neue Kernkraftwerke könnten in den Niederlanden gebaut werden, erklärte der Abgeordnete der derzeitigen Regierungspartei VVD, Mark Harbers, in einem Interview mit der Tageszeitung AD."
In den Niederlanden gewinnt die Nutzung der Kernkraft neue Fahrt Die Energie-Probleme, die die Niederlande angesichts der Klimaschutzmaßnahmen voraussehen, sind dieselben wie die deutschen. Aber dort erwägt man nun einen Ausweg, den Deutschland sich selbst verstellt hat.
A Thai National Park is Mailing People's Trash Back to Them
"A group of Thai tourists is about to receive an unwelcome and potentially smelly package in the mail, courtesy of the country’s Environment Minister Varawut Silpa-archa himself. The contents? Trash they left behind on their recent visit to the Khao Yai National Park. "
A Thai National Park is Mailing People's Trash Back to Them After campers left a mess at Khao Yai National Park, officials have decided on a novel approach to discouraging making a mess: [mailing] the garbage right back [to those who left it behind].
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Corona: Belgien verabschiedet sich von der Maskenpflicht
Die völlig überzogenen allgemeinen Schutzmaßnahmen wegen einer eher harmlosen Pandemie müssen endlich aufgehoben werden!
Corona: Belgien verabschiedet sich von der Maskenpflicht Belgien gehört zur Spitzengruppe der Länder mit den meisten Neuinfektionen in Europa. Trotzdem lockert das Land die Schutzmaßnahmen. Warum?
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft: Zu wenige Windräder auf dem Land
Windenergie war von Anfang an eine Schnapsidee! Don Quixote lacht sich zu Tode! Die fanatisch gruenen und naiven Deutschen wollten der Welt beweisen, wie es gemacht wird! Der Rest der Welt schaut dem treiben der Deutschen belustigend zu!
Ohne massive staatliche Subventionen und anderer Hilfen ist das Erneuerbaren-Energien-Gesetzes (EEG) ein Flop!
"Drittens sind die gesteckten Ausbauziele viel zu gering. Die Zahl der Windenergieanlagen an Land wird nur um etwa ein Drittel wachsen, da gleichzeitig auch alte Anlagen voraussichtlich abgerissen werden, weil deren EEG-Förderung ausläuft und sich dadurch ihr Betrieb nicht mehr lohnt."
Zu wenige Windräder auf dem Land | Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Heute soll die lang erwartete Reform des Erneuerbaren-Energien-Gesetzes (EEG) vom Bundeskabinett beschlossen werden. Doch gerade beim Windausbau besteht Nachbesserungsbedarf.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Joe Biden: A Touching Story
Trump: Violent Anarchists Are "Paid for by Outside Stupid Rich People"
The Universe Is Watching Us — Stevie Wonder In His Feelings
I am a great fan of his music, but his political remarks are clearly not the sunshine of my life!
Trump to Sign ‘Born Alive' Executive Order to Protect Abortion Survivors
Why do we even need such an executive order in a civilized society that values human life and dignity? Does this executive order even go far enough?
Why are late term abortions allowed in the U.S.? In Germany, normal abortions are only allowed in the first trimester!
Trump to Sign ‘Born Alive' Executive Order to Protect Abortion Survivors
Biden’s Policy Agenda Shows Just How Far the Democrats Have Lurched Leftwards
"... Unsurprisingly, very few of each of these plans liberalises economic activity or facilitates private, voluntary cooperation to solve economic or social problems. There’s little here for us classical liberals. With the notable exception of occupational licensing reform, almost all Biden’s policies create new programs or subsidies, new mandates or regulations, or suggest new tax carve‐outs or government privileges. A better tagline than ‘Build Back Better’ — the slogan Biden has used ... might be ‘Build Bigger Government’."
Biden’s Policy Agenda Shows Just How Far the Democrats Have Lurched Leftwards | Cato Institute
High Court, high stakes: Replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg
"... The fact that a single judge is so strategically important to advancing one political agenda or another ... In Federalist No. 78, titled “The Judiciary Department,” Alexander Hamilton famously describes the courts as the “least dangerous branch.” ...
One of the most important and controversial decisions in American constitutional law was the 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison, in which the Supreme Court led by Chief Justice John Marshall established the doctrine of judicial review. This decision established a precedent that has shaped the operation of the courts up to the present day. According to Marbury, courts possess the constitutional authority to review the legislative acts of Congress. For the first few years after the case, the doctrine gathered dust. But by 2008, Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the majority in Boumediene v. Bush equated an absence of judicial review with an absence of legal constraint. The Supreme Court had become the most dominant, towering branch of government, asserting control over the acts of the legislative and executive branches. ...
For all of its moral faults, Dred Scott v. Sanford has more than a few jurisprudential ones, too. Chief Justice Roger Taney attempted to place slavery beyond political debate by making legally unfounded assertions rather than legal arguments – ultimately plunging the nation into Civil War. ... the legacy of the type of legal reasoning and jurisprudential concepts employed by the Court in Dred Scott in order to reach a certain political outcome have lived on. ...
After World War II, the Supreme Court entered into a frenetic period of reshaping American society through cases centering on individual rights. ... It is that the courts side-stepped constitutional restraints on the power of the judiciary in order to do so. Constitutionally, a federal court can only consider a “case or controversy” rather than a theoretical legal question. This requires an actual litigant whose relevant rights are at issue and grants them “standing.” The Warren and Burger Courts proved to be particularly adept at discovering standing in unexplored and dusty jurisprudential corners. Further, the Supreme Court has no constitutional power to legislate, but many of the era’s decisions contain complex enforcement schemes and judicially created remedies which bear striking resemblance to legislation in form, substance, and application. ..."
High Court, high stakes: Replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg – Acton Institute PowerBlog
New Japanese Prime Minister’s Senior Defense Officials Are Taiwan-Friendly
"Indeed, it was announced on September 16 that Nobuo Kishi (岸信夫), a member of the House of Representatives in the Diet and the brother of former Prime Minister Abe, will be the defense minister in Suga’s Cabinet.
... The selection of the new defense minister, a familiar face among Taiwan watchers who is outspoken in his support for strengthening security ties between Japan and Taiwan, may be intended to reassure those who were concerned about the continuation of the overall deepening of cooperation between the two countries that has taken place during the Abe administration over the last eight years.
Kishi, who had previously served as a senior vice foreign minister, is well-known for his support of stronger Japan-Taiwan ties. As a Diet member, he visited Taiwan numerous times as the unofficial but de facto envoy of the Abe administration. As noted earlier, Kishi, the younger brother of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as well as the grandson and grandnephew of two other prime ministers, is no ordinary politician. According to some analysts, he is considered a candidate for the prime minister’s office himself at some future point.
Additionally, Kishi serves as the head of the governing Liberal Democratic Party’s Japan-Taiwan Young Parliamentary Association on Economic Exchange. He has also reportedly been involved in advocating for the formulation of a domestic law that would serve as the basis for strengthening economic relations and personal exchanges with Taiwan, such as a “Japanese version of the United States’ Taiwan Relations Act (TRA)—a domestic law governing unofficial relations with Taiwan."
Vol. 5, Issue 18 – Global Taiwan Institute
New pact to open Indian market to Israeli startups
"Yesterday, in the presence of the ambassadors of both countries - India and Israel - the CEO of Indian technology business incubation center iCreate, Anupam Jalote, and Eugene Kandel, CEO of Startup Nation Central (SNC), signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in making the Indian market accessible to Israeli companies through collaborations."
New pact to open Indian market to Israeli startups - Globes Startup Nation Central and Indian tech incubator iCreate signed an MOU on collaboration between Israeli and Indian companies.
Trump delivers UN address
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Communist China Exploits Gaps in US Military—Rebeccah Heinrichs
I Love America Too Much to Stay Silent
Police Leave Big Cities in Record Numbers As Attacks Increase
"... Organized planning behind the event seemed likely as protesters blocked the way when the [Los Angeles County deputies] were rushed to the hospital, FOX News reports. Protesters blocked the entrance and exit to the emergency room at the hospital near Los Angeles.
The L.A. County Police Department pleaded with protesters to stop blocking the doors and preventing ambulances from getting through. ...
Members of the mob blocking the hospital chanted phrases such as “We hope they die,” in addition to obscenities, FOX News reported. ..."
Hopefully, these monsters of protesters were arrested and will be facing harsh prison sentences!
Police Leave Big Cities in Record Numbers As Attacks Increase - Heartland Daily News
Nevada: Are partisan tax hikes more important than the constitution?
"A Carson City judge ruled yesterday that the Nevada Constitution means what it says: any bill that “creates, generates or increases any public revenue in any form” requires a two-thirds majority vote to be passed. Senate Republicans initiated the lawsuit shortly after Democrats passed two revenue-increasing bills without securing the necessary two-thirds majority support.
The case is now heading to the Nevada Supreme Court where, if the justices uphold their oath to enforce the constitution as written, the ruling of the district court will be affirmed. ..."
I think all constitutions should contain such a provision including the U.S. Constitution!
Are partisan tax hikes more important than the constitution? | Nevada Policy
EuGH: Genehmigungspflicht zur Kurzzeitvermietung von Wohnungen ist rechtens
Was hier auch wieder sehr bedenklich ist wie bereitwillig anscheinend das hohe französische Gericht war dieses hot potato an die EU Gerichtsbarkeit weiterzugeben anstelle eigene Lösung zu entwickeln!
Das macht hoffentlich nicht weiter Schule!
EuGH: Genehmigungspflicht zur Kurzzeitvermietung von Wohnungen ist rechtens
Molekule launches pro-grade air purifier for businesses
"... The new filters are built with 3 times the airflow, three sizes of particle sensing, and multiple ways to protect against pollutants. ...
PECO represents a big update to the industry-standard High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter created in the 1940s. Unlike traditional air purifiers that trap pollutants on a filter, where they can continue to grow and be released back into the air, PECO promises to destroy pollutants, eliminating them completely. It breaks down the pollutants at a molecular level, something most filters don’t do, and eliminates particles that are 100 times smaller than those captured by HEPA filters. ..."
Molekule launches pro-grade air purifier for businesses | VentureBeat
Monday, September 21, 2020
DeepSpeed: Extreme-scale model training for everyone
This is a marvelous combination/integration of several impressive technologies!
Credits to Andrew Ng's weekly newsletter The Batch
Police drones are taking to the skies in the UK
"The organisation used the Hermes 900 drone, built by Israeli electronics company Elbit Systems, which is a mid-sized, medium-altitude drone that can fly at 140 miles per hour."
Police drones are taking to the skies | ZDNet The police air force in the UK is trialing drone technologies to help on-the-ground officers.
Nobel Peace Prize for Trump! Why not?
"... Trump campaigned on promising to end our “forever” wars. He believed our NATO allies should contribute more to their own national defense. He called for other countries to account for misappropriating America’s blood and treasure. And he called on American leaders to account for spending our blood and treasure without increasing world peace or American security; he lamented the loss of our nation’s youths in other countries’ conflicts. "
End the Nobel Peace Prize — if Trump doesn't win it | TheHill
Fogel sets up UAE fund for Israeli high-tech investments
Blessed are the peacemakers!
"Fogel, one of the owners of Israel Shipyards, said that a delegation from Abu Dhabi, was hosted in Israel over the past week and met with representatives from 50 high-tech companies. Fogel said that one of the options discussed was the possibility of the companies that the fund invests in, establishing production plants in one of the free trade zones in the UAE such as the Jebal Ali zone in Dubai, where hundreds of companies already operate."
Fogel sets up UAE fund for Israeli high-tech investments - Globes
Deutsche Wirtschaft: Auf dem Weg in die Scheinwirtschaft
"Das ist vermutlich die Methode Peter Altmaier: In einem Strategiepapier hat er angekündigt, er wolle die Wirtschaft „umkrempeln“.
"Abgesehen vom Schuldenmacher: Hilflos reagiert die GroKo auf den Absturz der Wirtschaft. ... Es hat übrigens nichts mit Corona zu tun. Es ist ein hausgemachtes Problem. „Das ist eine durch eine Verordnung der EU und die deutsche Umweltpolitik selbst fabrizierte Krise, die der deutschen Industrie bereits seit dem Sommer 2018 massiv zusetzt“, so der Ökonom Hans-Werner Sinn. „Das wird kein gutes Ende nehmen.“ ... Tatsächlich: Im August meldet die Autoindustrie einen Absatzrückgang im Vergleich zum Vorjahr von 20%, Mehrwertsteuersenkung hin oder her. Und: Nach Corona kommt es nicht zu einem Nachholeffekt aufgeschobener Käufe, sondern zum Absturz der Leit-Branche. Es ist – neben dem Maschinenbau – die Branche, die am besten bezahlt: Schon ein Lagerist oder Produktionsmitarbeiter verdient im Durchschnitt bis zu 40.000 Euro, während ein Teamleiter oder Versuchsingenieur zwischen 50.000 und 120.000 Euro pro Jahr erzielen kann. ... Es sind die Besserverdiener, die jetzt arbeitslos werden; vielfach besser bezahlt als Mediziner. Es sind jene, die längst den Spitzensteuersatz abdrücken und die Höchst-Beiträge zur Sozialversicherung leisten. Wenn sie jetzt arbeitslos werden, fallen sie als Zahler aus und wandern auf die Empfängerseite. Das Ausdünnen der Besserverdiener mag die freuen, für die Gleichheit mehr Gerechtigkeit bedeutet. ... Mit Pizzaboten und Lieferando-Radfahrern, die Mindsteslohnbezieher sind, ist kein Sozialstaat zu machen; sie sind langfristig Leistungsempfänger, weil ihr Arbeitseinkommen später nicht für eine auskömmliche Rente im Alter reichen wird. ... Die Krise strahlt natürlich auf weitere Bereiche aus oder wiederholt sich aus ähnlichen Gründen ... Die Zerstörung der gut bezahlten Industriejobs ist auch eine Zerstörung der Finanzierungsbasis des Sozialstaats. ..."
Deutsche Wirtschaft: Auf dem Weg in die Scheinwirtschaft
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Lionel Richie The Commodores - Jesus is Love
Unfortunately, this video ends very abruptly!
Commodores - Machine gun (SoulTrain)
Nigel Farage's dramatic final speech at the European Parliament ahead of the Brexit vote
Joe Biden says 200 million people will die by end of his speech
President Trump’s long history of kindness goes unreported by mainstream media
Making tuberculosis more susceptible to antibiotics
"... MIT chemists have now discovered that changing the length of these [cell coating] carbohydrates can dramatically affect their function. In a study of mycobacteria, the type of bacteria that cause tuberculosis and other diseases, they found that shortening the length of a carbohydrate called galactan impairs some cell functions and makes the cells much more susceptible to certain antibiotics. The findings suggest that drugs that interfere with galactan synthesis could be used along with existing antibiotics to create more effective treatments...
Making tuberculosis more susceptible to antibiotics | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Shortening carbohydrates in the bacterial cell wall makes them more vulnerable to certain drugs.
Highly sensitive trigger enables rapid detection of biological agents
"MIT Lincoln Laboratory researchers have developed a highly sensitive and reliable trigger for the U.S. military's early warning system for biological warfare agents. ... The RAAD has demonstrated a significant reduction in false positive rates while maintaining detection performance that matches or exceeds that of today’s best deployed systems. Additionally, early testing has shown that the RAAD has significantly improved reliability compared to currently deployed systems. ...
RAAD process
The RAAD determines the presence of biological warfare agents through a multistep process. First, aerosols are pulled into the detector by the combined agency of an aerosol cyclone that uses high-speed rotation to cull out the small particles, and an aerodynamic lens that focuses the particles into a condensed (i.e., enriched) volume, or beam, of aerosol. The RAAD aerodynamic lens provides more efficient aerosol enrichment than any other air-to-air concentrator.
Then, a near-infrared (NIR) laser diode creates a structured trigger beam that detects the presence, size, and trajectory of an individual aerosol particle. If the particle is large enough to adversely affect the respiratory tract — roughly 1 to 10 micrometers — a 266-nanometer ultravolet (UV) laser is activated to illuminate the particle, and multiband laser-induced fluorescence is collected.
The detection process continues as an embedded logic decision, referred to as the “spectral trigger,” uses scattering from the NIR light and UV fluorescence data to predict if the particle's composition appears to correspond to that of a threat-like bioagent. "If the particle seems threat-like, then spark-induced breakdown spectroscopy is enabled to vaporize the particle and collect atomic emission to characterize the particle's elemental content," ..."
Highly sensitive trigger enables rapid detection of biological agents | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Rapid Agent Aerosol Detector developed at Lincoln Laboratory has demonstrated excellent accuracy in identifying toxic biological particles suspended in the air.
Apptricity Beams Bluetooth Signals Over 30 Kilometers
"... Apptricity ... has developed a Bluetooth beacon that can transmit signals over 32 kilometers (20 miles). The company believes its beacon is a cheaper, secure alternative to established asset and inventory tracking technologies. ..."
Apptricity Beams Bluetooth Signals Over 30 Kilometers - IEEE Spectrum The company is using precise beaming to develop a new asset tracking technique
Coronavirus: found to be heat tolerant, self-healing and very resilient in lab tests
"Chinese scientists estimated that Sars-CoV-2 had on its surface 26 spike proteins that could bind with a host cell. Researchers at Cambridge University in Britain gave a similar estimate of 24. A study by researchers in the Max Planck Institute in Germany came up with a count of 40. [Hungarian researchers] there were 61 spikes on their specimen. This suggested the variability of the viral structure could be greater than thought ...
Coronavirus: constantly surprising virus found to be heat tolerant, self-healing and very resilient in lab tests | South China Morning Post Hungarian team finds virus particle withstands being probed by a nano needle 100 times, possibly making it the most physically elastic virus known
This is probably one of the underlying research papers:
UFC star predicts Trump 'landslide' in fiery post-victory speech — then Trump calls him live on air
""Ladies and gentleman, the silent majority is ready to make some noise. If you thought that was a beating wait until November 3rd, when Donald Trump gets his hands on Sleepy Joe. That's gonna be a landslide," ..."
UFC star predicts Trump 'landslide' in fiery post-victory speech — then Trump calls him live on air - TheBlaze
Saturday, September 19, 2020
NEW EVIDENCE Suggets Some West Coast Wildfires Were Started by Arson
Totgedacht: Vorsicht vor den Intellektuellen!
Rosa Biotech gets biosensors on the nose
"The human nose can distinguish at least a trillion different odours, thanks to around 400 types of scent receptors. ... Most biosensors, however, can only bind a single analyte, limiting their ability to detect different odours. Rosa Biotech ... has developed biosensing technology that mimics mammals’ olfactory system to work more like an electronic nose. The sensors bind to a huge range of analytes and, as such, detect various combinations of molecules and odours.
The technology is based on α-helix barrels engineered from peptides. The self-assembling, hyperstable molecules can be designed in an almost infinite number of variants, each of which displays different binding affinities. ... ‘Based on the number of α-helices you design, by changing the amino acids in the barrel, it changes the hindrances, charge profile and its affinity for a range of different molecules.’
Rosa engineers its sensors by combining the peptide barrels with fluorescent, hydrophobic dyes. ... Because the dyes fluoresce inside the hydrophobic environment of the barrel, but not on the outside, it produces a fluorescence profile for each barrel or analyte. ... Rosa can tweak the peptide barrels to be more sensitive to specific applications and different sets of molecules."
Rosa Biotech gets biosensors on the nose | Business | Chemistry World Protein barrel arrays mimic mammals’ olfactory system to distinguish many different molecules
Robotics, AI, and Cloud Computing Combine to Supercharge Chemical and Drug Synthesis
"... RoboRXN the robotic system executed various steps, such as moving the reactor to a small reagent and then moving the solvent to a small reagent. The robotic system carried out the entire set of procedures—completing the synthesis and analysis of the molecule—in eight steps. ... The backbone of IBM’s AI model is a machine learning translation method that treats chemistry like language translation. It translates the language of chemistry by converting reactants and reagents to products through the use of Statistical Machine Intelligence and Learning Engine (SMILE) representation to describe chemical entities."
Robotics, AI, and Cloud Computing Combine to Supercharge Chemical and Drug Synthesis - IEEE Spectrum IBM looks to revolutionize industrial chemistry and in the process may have cut the discovery time for Covid-19 treatments in half
Hohe Privatverschuldung in der Schweiz
"Doch muss uns die hohe Verschuldung von privaten Firmen und Haushalten beunruhigen? ... Während die Aufnahme neuer Schulden sich vorerst positiv auf Konsum und Investitionen auswirkt, kann sich dieser Effekt gerade bei einer sich verschlechternden Wirtschaftslage ins Gegenteil umkehren: Firmen und Haushalte können dann überproportional weniger konsumieren und investieren, weil sie relativ zu ihrem Einkommen mehr für den Schuldendienst aufwenden müssen. ... Wichtig ist zudem, dass der Schuldenberg einer Volkswirtschaft in einer Krise ins Rutschen geraten kann. Dabei verändert sich seine Schichtung manchmal schlagartig. Es finden sich diverse historische Episoden, in denen in einer Wirtschaftskrise via Bailouts Privatschulden in öffentliche Schulden überführt wurden. Ein Arbeitspapier des IMF hält fest, dass es zu einer solchen «Verstaatlichung» von privaten Schulden selbst ohne explizite (Finanz-) Krise kommen kann."
Wie die hohe Privatverschuldung in der Schweiz einzuordnen ist | Avenir Suisse
The irresponsible Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Ruth Bader Ginsberg RIP!
How long was RGB possibly incapacitated or considerably unable to discharge her duties as a Supreme Court Justice?
Why did RGB not step down during the Obama administration? Was she so healthy back then that she decided to continue beyond? I have my doubts (see also Wikipedia on her health, which took a turn for the worse in 1999).
Did she not hold on to her job to her last breath to prevent President Trump from nominating her successor? Maybe she thought she was irreplaceable on the court!
If this is true, then RGB acted very irresponsible and reckless in the final months of her life! She did a grave disservice to the people of the U.S.!
By the way, how many people are aware of the the inscription on the East Pediment or rear facade of the U.S. Supreme Court building? I bet not many!
It reads: "Justice The Guardian Of Liberty". I think this inscription is much more important than the one from the front facade most everyone is familiar with. I blogged here about it.
I don't think RGB was a Guardian of Liberty, on the contrary!
Dennis Prager: The Left's Moral Compass Isn't Broken
Prager omitted to point out that leftists are so fanatically convinced of the supremacy of their ideology that any crimes and morally evil deeds in their name are justified to achieve their ultimate goals.
Prager is a little bit sloppy in referencing his quotes and providing context. That is regrettable! E.g. when he quoted Nietzsche, he did not provide the context nor from which of Nietzsche's works he quoted from.
"It is left-wing dogma that a black person cannot be a racist. Only whites can be racist. And, indeed, all whites are racist.
It is increasingly a left-wing position that when blacks loot, they are only taking what they deserve, or, as the looters often put it, looted goods are “reparations.”"
I am afraid some black Americans think indeed that way! I just blogged here e.g. about slavery in Africa.
The Left's Moral Compass Isn't Broken by Dennis Prager (They don't have one!)
Friday, September 18, 2020
Science Editorial: Trump lied about science
Trump did not lie, but like any good leader, he tried to prevent a panic! Biden would have done exactly the same!
Was is not scientists who:
- Irresponsibly exaggerated the danger of SARS-CoV-2?
- Published crazy forecasts about the lethality of this virus
- and so on ...
"As he was playing down the virus to the public, Trump was not confused or inadequately briefed: He flat-out lied, repeatedly, about science to the American people. These lies demoralized the scientific community and cost countless lives in the United States. ... But now, a U.S. president has deliberately lied about science in a way that was imminently dangerous to human health and directly led to widespread deaths of Americans. ..."
This is so ridiculous and so laughable!
"... Monuments in Washington, D.C., have chiseled into them words spoken by real leaders during crises. “Confidence,” said Franklin Roosevelt, “thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance.”
We can be thankful that science has embraced these words. ..."
What a baloney and nonsense! President FDR was the most socialist and dictatorial U.S. president of all! Did he not e.g. intern Japanese Americans en masse in concentration camps! Was not FDR responsible for all kinds of severely unconstitutional laws etc.
How many scientists have been caught being dishonest e.g. falsifying research etc. How many scientists have embraced totalitarian ideologies?
Trump lied about science | Science
„Hass-Gesetz” der Bundesjustizministerin verfassungswidrig!
Zweitens, was ist Hasskriminalität? Ein höchst vager, kontroverser, und mehrdeutiger Begriff! Sog. Hass ist beliebig und dehnbar! Ein Allzweckmittel!
Were ist eigentlich diese unbeschriebene Bundesjustizministerin Christine Lambrecht? Eine Quotenfrau? Eine lebenslange Berufspolitikerin die nichts geleistet hat außer Dünnbrettbohren und eine graue Maus zu sein? Eine Hofschranze für die SED Kanzlerin Merkel?
„Hass-Gesetz” der Bundesjustizministerin verfassungswidrig! Kräftige Klatsche für Bundesjustizministerin Christine Lambrecht: Das Gesetz zur Bekämpfung des Rechtsextremismus und der Hasskriminalität ist verfassungswidrig. Dem Justizminister als Hüter der Verfassung wird Verfassungbruch vorgeworfen.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Milton Friedman & Thomas Sowell: Should Our School System Be Privatized?
Deutsche Welle: Radical Militias in the US
As if the violent riots in Dimocratic ruled cities is a confrontation between protesters and militias! What a nonsense!
There are 180 militias in the U.S. Is that all?
Trump SAVAGES NYT For Trying to Rewrite History with the '1619 Project'
FAZ Herausgeber Kommentar: Donald Trump ist als Präsident ungeeignet
"Auch das Vakzin soll ihm, dem Corona-Verharmloser, zu einer zweiten Amtszeit verhelfen."
Ach das reißerische Buch des längst diskreditierten Bob Woodward hat der Herausgeber auch schon gelesen! Die wirkliche Frage ist warum hat Trump diesen miesen Reporter 18 Stunden lang Interviews gegeben.
"Weil Trump seine Felle davon schwimmen sieht ..."
Der Herausgeber ist ein Spinner!
und so geht es weiter ...
Kommentar: Donald Trump ist als Präsident ungeeignet Donald Trump sät Zweifel und Zwietracht. Brauchen die Amerikaner wirklich noch weitere Belege dafür, dass diesem Mann so gut wie alles fehlt, was einen Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten auszeichnen müsste?
Gold: Denn aller Wert will Ewigkeit
Gold: Denn aller Wert will Ewigkeit
Israel's Weizmann Institute, UAE University To Collaborate On AI Research
"Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science announced on Sunday that it signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) in the United Arab Emirates to collaborate on research and joint scholarship in AI."
Israel's Weizmann Institute, UAE University To Collaborate On AI Research
Jim Al-Khalili: Everything and Nothing: What is Everything?
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Jörg Meuthen zerlegt von der Leyens EU-Superstaatsfantasien
Rep. Liz Cheney Demands DOJ Investigate Whether China, Russia Are Infiltrating US Environmental Groups
"Russia and China may be infiltrating nongovernmental groups in an attempt to meddle in domestic energy and environmental policy, Cheney wrote in a Sept. 4 letter to Attorney General William Barr obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation. The Republican lawmaker said in the letter that Russia had in the past worked to spread anti-fracking propaganda inside the United States."
Rep. Liz Cheney Demands DOJ Investigate Whether China, Russia Are Infiltrating US Environmental Groups
Japan on Track to Introduce Flying Taxi Services in 2023
"... The SD-03 uses four pairs of electrically driven coaxial rotors, with one pair mounted at each quadrant. These enable a flight time of 5 to 10 minutes at speeds up to 50 kilometers per hour. ..."
Only 10 minutes, only 50kmh? Not sure this is good enough.
Japan on Track to Introduce Flying Taxi Services in 2023 - IEEE Spectrum SkyDrive’s success in conducting a piloted eVTOL test indicates short-hop flights are close to commercial reality
Deep beneath the high seas, researchers find rich coral oases
Remember all that recent hyper alarmism about coral reefs dying? We still know very little about the oceans and the deep sea! Global Warming is a hoax and Climate Change is a medieval superstition!
"After combing through more than half a million observations of reef-building corals, the team identified 116 reefs located in the high seas. Most of these corals live between 200 and 1200 meters beneath the surface, the researchers found. But a handful are found more than 2 kilometers deep. And there are likely many more high seas corals still to be found, the authors note, as surveys have typically prioritized corals close to shore. "
Autonomous Robots Could Mine the Deep Seafloor
If environmentalists torpedo deep sea mining, then they are not serious about the millions of batteries they want to manufacture to store electricity from so called renewable energy!
"... Their goal is to pluck polymetallic nodules—potato-sized deposits of precious ores—off the seafloor without disrupting precious habitats. ... How deep seas will be mined, and where, is ultimately up to the International Seabed Authority (ISA), a group of 168 member countries. In October, the intergovernmental body is expected to adopt a sweeping set of technical and environmental standards, known as the Mining Code, that could pave the way for private companies to access large tracts of seafloor. ..."
Autonomous Robots Could Mine the Deep Seafloor - IEEE Spectrum Pliant Energy says its C-Ray robot could be a less invasive tool for ocean mining
Junge-Union-Chef Tilman Kuban: Weniger Staatsgläubigkeit, bitte
Das klingt mal ganz anders als die SED Kanzlerin Merkel!
Könnte Kuban ein Hoffnungsträger für weniger Staat und mehr freie Marktwirtschaft in Deutschland sein? Ein Ludwig Erhard des 21sten Jahrhunderts?
"Tilman Kuban, Chef der Jungen Union, fordert mehr bürgerliche Eigenverantwortung. Die Menschen lebten heute ihre Freiheiten aus, erwarteten aber vom Staat, dass er ihnen jedes Risiko abnehme. Wo, fragt er, bleibe das Haftungsprinzip?"
Junge-Union-Chef Tilman Kuban: Weniger Staatsgläubigkeit, bitte
State of the Union Address by EU President von der Leyen
Headline of her speech: "Building the world we want to live in: A Union of vitality in a world of fragility ... And they expose to us the fragility all around us. ... It brought into sharper focus the planetary fragility that we see every day through melting glaciers, burning forests and now through global pandemics."
A "world of fragility"? What a nonsense! How fragile is von der Leyen herself? What a prophet of doom!
"It [Covid-19] laid bare the strains on our health systems and the limits of a model that values wealth above wellbeing."
Utter socialist nonsense!
"I say this because in the last months we have rediscovered the value of what we hold in common.
As individuals, we have all sacrificed a piece of our personal liberty for the safety of others."
Hitler could not have said it better! No individuals did not sacrifice, Western governments resorted to authoritarian measures and they have abused emergency powers to mandate massive lockdowns and face masks to address a fairly harmless virus!
"This is NextGenerationEU.
This is our opportunity to make change happen by design – not by disaster or by diktat from others in the world."
Yes, by diktat of socialist central planners like von der Leyen and Merkel!
Where is the Friedrich Hayek or Milton Friedman of our time to educate this naive and ignorant EU president!
I think I can stop here. You get the picture! I don't think her speech will get any better than that!
State of the Union Address by President von der Leyen at the European Parliament Plenary
Israel celebrates the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement
Tel Aviv's City Hall lit up with the word "peace" in Arabic.
Slavery in Africa
How many of the ancestors of African Americans were slave holders or traders themselves before they became slaves in the U.S., Caribbean Islands or Brazil? Was this question ever raised? The answer to this question is certainly not well known.
"Slavery has historically been widespread in Africa, and still continues today in some African countries.
Systems of servitude and slavery were common in parts of Africa in ancient times, as they were in much of the rest of the ancient world. When the Arab slave trade (which started in the 7th century) and Atlantic slave trade (which started in the 16th century) began, many of the pre-existing local African slave systems began supplying captives for slave markets outside Africa ... Like most other regions of the world, slavery and forced labor existed in many kingdoms and societies of Africa for hundreds of years."
Slavery in Africa - Wikipedia
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Environmental Regulations Are Causing Wildfires in California
Prager University: What's Wrong with Wind and Solar?
Sean Hannity: The Harris Administration
Laura Ingraham: Billionaires and Bolsheviks for Biden
Merkels letzter Streich: Der Marsch in den Geldsozialismus wird unumkehrbar
COVID-19: A Case Study of Government Failure
"... reject efforts to adopt Medicare for All in response to COVID-19 and instead eliminate the tax subsidies that encourage people to obtain health insurance through their employers and let people purchase health insurance that covers only catastrophes. ... The SNS [Strategic National Stockpile] proved its value in responding to Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the H1N1 epidemic in 2009. Unfortunately, the H1N1 epidemic depleted the SNS’s inventory of masks and other equipment, and neither President Obama nor President Trump expended the political capital needed to obtain sufficient funds to replenish it. ... In 2010, HHS sought to close the gap [severe shortage of ventilators] by hiring Newport Medical Instruments to build a fleet of inexpensive portable devices. No ventilators were ever delivered. Before production started, Newport Medical Instruments was purchased by Covidien, a large device maker, which backed out of the contract in 2014. It took HHS five years to finalize a new contract—too late to have the ventilators ready for COVID-19. ... Several governmental reports also noted that the SNS had far too few N95 masks. In 2015, the government projected that between 1 billion and 7 billion masks would be required in the event of a flu‐like pandemic, depending on the severity of the outbreak. When COVID-19 reached America’s shores, the SNS had only 10 million N95 masks. The SNS was also short of swabs, transport media, and the reagents that were necessary for COVID-19 testing to proceed. ..."
COVID-19: A Case Study of Government Failure | Cato Institute The federal government was not ready for COVID-19, even though it has dealt with epidemics and pandemics for more than a century.
Harvard team uses laser to cool polyatomic molecule
"The study ... describes using a novel method combining cryogenic technology and direct laser light to cool the nonlinear polyatomic molecule calcium monomethoxide (CaOCH3) to just above absolute zero. ... The scientists believe their experiment marks the first time such a large complex molecule has been cooled using laser light ... “Controlling perfectly their quantum states is basic research that could shed light on fundamental quantum processes in these building blocks of nature.” ... “With molecules, they have motion that does not occur in atoms — vibrations and rotations. When the molecule absorbs and emits light this process can sometimes make the molecule spin around or vibrate internally. When this happens, it is now in a different quantum state and absorbing and emitting light no longer works [to cool it]. We have to ‘calm the molecule down,’ get rid of its extra vibration before it can interact with the light the way we want.” ... They turned on two beams of light on the molecule, coming from opposing directions. The counterpropagating lasers prompted a reaction known as Sisyphus cooling. ..."
"Experimental progress over the past few decades has led to the mastery of ultracold atomic gases. A major thrust of current research is to extend this success to ultracold molecules, which would open qualitatively new perspectives for quantum information science, precision measurement, quantum chemistry, and other fields. ... The proposed scheme for cooling is potentially applicable to a wide range of nonlinear polyatomic molecules ..."
Harvard team uses laser to cool polyatomic molecule – Harvard Gazette By slowing polyatomic molecule, scientists open new paths of quantum study
Here is the link to the underlying paper (no public access):
Direct laser cooling of a symmetric top molecule
Multi-user communication network paves the way towards the quantum internet
"The concept of quantum communication, with security guaranteed by the laws of physics, took the world by storm when first unveiled in 1984. The traditional protocol, however, allows only two people to communicate securely. Attempts to extend this to “quantum networking” have usually proved either insecure or impracticably complex. Now, however, researchers in the UK and Austria have demonstrated secure information exchange between eight users spaced all around a city."
Multi-user communication network paves the way towards the quantum internet – Physics World
Radiall proposes 'massive modular' 6G mesh networks with tiny antennas
" ... a team at telecom company Radiall is advocating a radical shift in the very concept of “cellular” infrastructure, using many small, inexpensive antennas as an alternative to the large antennas 5G and older systems rely upon. ..."
Radiall proposes 'massive modular' 6G mesh networks with tiny antennas | VentureBeat
Monday, September 14, 2020
AfD Peter Felser zur mangelnden digitalen Souveränität Europas
Trump: “Stupid Corporations” Funding Anti-police Orgs Should Give Money to Victims' Families
The Man Who Introduced Henry VIII to Jousting
President Trump honors the California National Guard pilots who saved over 200 trapped civilians
Why government mandated face masks for everyone during the Covid-19 pandemic?
Besides that politicians and societies in Western countries have become more and more extremely risk averse (precautionary principle) in recent decades there is probably another major reason for this unreasonable government mandate:
The majority of the population was supposed to protect the elderly (in the U.S. the 65 and older population make up about 15% of total population or every 7th individual) and other, particularly vulnerable individuals.
And this despite the dubious protection afforded by all kinds of face masks that were being used by citizens often not wearing them properly. E.g. some people were only wearing a net shaped like a mask. This is of course, the ultimate demonstration of futility of mass mask wearing that is not enforced! And how many people claimed medical exemptions to refuse wearing a mask? Apparently, the scientific evidence of wearing face masks to prevent contagion by SARS-Cov-2 is also not very convincing! Had government made more aggressive attempts to enforce mask wearing, the scam would have been revealed!
If there was not a government mandate, the elderly or vulnerable would be discriminated against or they would be stigmatized, if only them were wearing masks (even on a voluntary basis). To cover up any possible appearance of discrimination or stigmatization, we all were forced to wear masks!
If this assessment is correct, then politicians have failed to explain it to the public and to have a debate about it.
I am not sure any of this sufficiently justifies such social control measures as government universal face mask mandates!
Voluntary mask wearing by free individuals plus providing the elderly and vulnerable with the best possible protective gear etc. would have been sufficient instead of these draconian government measures. Instead of focusing on the vulnerable, government wasted resources and efforts!
Lastly, but importantly, let's not forget that SARS-CoV-2 is a fairly harmless virus compared with plagues of the past. E.g. the number of death cases are highly inflated. More than 80% of all infected have no or only mild symptoms etc.
Descending through a Crowded Valley - Benchmarking Deep Learning Optimizers
"Choosing the optimizer is among the most crucial decisions of deep learning engineers, and it is not an easy one. The growing literature now lists literally hundreds of optimization methods. In the absence of clear theoretical guidance and conclusive empirical evidence, the decision is often done according to personal anecdotes. ... Evaluating 14 optimizers on eight deep learning problems using four different schedules, tuning over dozens of hyperparameter settings, to our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive empirical evaluation of deep learning optimizers up-to-date ..."
[2007.01547] Descending through a Crowded Valley - Benchmarking Deep Learning Optimizers
Whitening and second order optimization both destroy information about the dataset, and can make generalization impossible
"Models trained using whitened data, or with certain second order optimization schemes, have less access to this information; in the high dimensional regime they have no access at all, producing models that generalize poorly or not at all."
[2008.07545] Whitening and second order optimization both destroy information about the dataset, and can make generalization impossible
Zur Kommunalwahl in Nordrhein-Westfalen 2020
Sieht so aus als ob die FDP und die AfD gar nicht so schlecht abgeschnitten haben bei dieser wichtigen Wahl vor der kommenden Bundestagswahl. Die etablierten Medien feiern die Ergebnisse der Grünen und geflissentlich übersehen diese beiden Parteien.
Für eine Partei, wie die AfD, die so geschmäht und stigmatisiert wird von den etablierten Parteien und Medien ist das ein sehr beachtlicher Erfolg!
Auf Landesebene haben die FDP etwa 4.7 Prozentpunkte gegenüber 2016 zugelegt, die AfD immerhin 2.6 (source).
In Duisburg, z.B., ist die AfD jetzt die viertstärkste Partei mit 9.3% deutlich vor der FDP mit 3.1% (source). Ähnliches ist auch z.B. in Essen passiert (siehe hier). Ich habe mir nicht die Ergebnisse jeder Großstadt in NRW angeschaut, aber ich vermute mal in anderen Großstädten ist ähnliches passiert.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Talks About the REAL Donald Trump: 'This Is Someo...
US military to employ next generation Israeli drone technology
US military to employ next generation Israeli drone technology - The Jerusalem Post Skylord, a drone system that can easily integrate with various platforms is intended to be used by soldiers operating in hostile environments and even by first responders.
Mystery over Universe’s expansion deepens with fresh data
The Big Bang theory is almost as incredible as the Creation story in the Bible. The future will tell whether this theory goes down like so many other obsolescent scientific theories of the past or whether it will stand the test of time.
"But neither result matches direct measurements of the Hubble constant — a discrepancy that has become known as the Hubble-constant tension."
Mystery over Universe’s expansion deepens with fresh data A long-awaited map of the Big Bang’s afterglow fails to settle a debate over how fast the Universe is expanding.
In blow to Palestinians, Arab League refuses to condemn Israel-UAE deal
For way too long, the irresponsible and militant Palestinians (Arabs) were allowed to play the role of holdout in peace negotiations!
In blow to Palestinians, Arab League refuses to condemn Israel-UAE deal | The Times of Israel Senior official says foreign ministers were not in agreement on Palestinian issue, after PA foreign minister criticizes body for failure to show unity in backing its cause
Brighter prospects for treating a rare lung cancer
"Near-infrared photoimmunotherapy (NIR-PIT) is a recently developed cancer therapy that combines the specificity of antibodies for targeting tumors with toxicity induced by the photoabsorber after exposure to NIR-light."
Brighter prospects for treating a rare lung cancer – Physics World A rare type of cancer affecting the lining of the lung, malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) has always been very difficult to treat. That may be about to change, though. Kazuhide Sato and his colleagues at Nagoya University have found a potential new treatment that combines light and a targeted antibody, according to their latest research published in Cells.
Here is the link to the underlying research article (open access):
Targeted Phototherapy for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: Near-Infrared Photoimmunotherapy Targeting Podoplanin
External skin patch transfers power to medical implants
"[Researchers] created the light-source patch from an array of AlGaInP micro-LEDs powered by a conventional 3 V battery. The micro-LEDs emit light at 670 nm, which penetrates roughly 2.5 mm through tissue and can be converted into electricity by photovoltaic materials such as GaAs (which has a bandgap lower than the photon energy)."
External skin patch transfers power to medical implants – Physics World Biomedical electronic implants, such as cardiac pacemakers, deep brain stimulators or spinal cord stimulators, enhance quality-of-life by providing diagnostics and treatments within the human body. Most of these devices, however, are powered by batteries. And once these batteries run down, patients must undergo invasive surgery to replace them.
Nature Journal: The Arctic is burning like never before — and that’s bad news for climate change
The headline is already so ridiculous that it hurts!
"By the time the fire season waned at the end of last month, the blazes had emitted a record 244 megatonnes of carbon dioxide — that’s 35% more than last year, which also set records."
These demagogues like to impress us with big numbers and meaningless one year comparisons! The atmosphere contains about 3,210 gigatonnes of CO2 according to Wikipedia. Thus, 244 megatonnes may well be a phony number and and enormous exaggeration! Let's not forget that CO2 measures only about 400 parts per million and "constitutes about 0.041% by volume of the atmosphere". CO2 is a trace gace!
"It’s a feedback loop: as peatlands release more carbon, global warming increases, which thaws more peat and causes more wildfires ..."
Sounds convincing, but this is not the whole story! This is propaganda!
The Arctic is burning like never before — and that’s bad news for climate change Fires are releasing record levels of carbon dioxide, partly because they are burning ancient peatlands that have been a carbon sink.
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Yamma Ensemble: Psalms 104 sung in ancient Hebrew
John Stossel: Lessons From Africa
Die Zerstörung des Mindestlohns
Kayleigh McEnany responds to evidence of potential Mueller team misconduct
Trump GOES OFF on ABC Reporter Accusing Him of Lying
Mediator atoms help graphene self-heal
"... Using some of the best transmission electron microscopes available, researchers ... found that so-called “mediator atoms” – carbon atoms that do not fit properly into the graphene lattice – act as catalysts to help bonds break and form. ... "
Mediator atoms help graphene self-heal – Physics World An international team of researchers in Korea, the UK, Japan, the US and France has now cleared up the mystery by showing that fast-moving carbon atoms catalyse many of the restructuring processes.
Blood Test Could Reveal When Rheumatoid Arthritis Will Strike
"A never-before-seen cell type could forewarn of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
The cells, dubbed “PRIME cells,” accumulate in the blood during the week prior to disease flare-ups, ... The findings could lead to better prediction of when severe pain and swelling, called “flares” will occur, as well as provide new avenues for treatment."
Blood Test Could Reveal When Rheumatoid Arthritis Will Strike | Scientists have identified a new type of cell that appears in the bloodstream of rheumatoid arthritis patients shortly before joint inflammation flares.