Saturday, November 18, 2017

Communist Atrocities During Spanish Civil War

Posted: 11/18/2017

How The Left Distorted History

As a german, I learnt many times that Franco and Hitler collaborated. That the German air force bombing of the civilians living in the Basque village of Guernica was early war crime committed by the Nazis. A painting depicting Guernica by Pablo Picasso made this event and the painter famous.

We also learnt much about the fascist dictator Franco

We also learnt how many prominent artists were personally involved in the Spanish Civil War like Ernest Hemingway (communist sympathizer at least early in his career), George Orwell (outspoken anti totalitarian, democratic socialist), and Robert Capa (possibly a communist sympathizer).

What We Were Not Told About The Spanish Civil War

How much the Italian fascist dictator Mussolini was involved in this war.

The heavy involvement of Stalin’s Soviet Union in support of communist groups active in the Spanish Civil War.

Just read this horrible article by the Acton Institute:

I was stunned to read that communist affiliated groups during the so called Red Terror (1931 - 1939) killed killed more than 6,800 bishops, priests, monks (including 13 bishops and 4,184 priests), and religious citizens. “As many as 20,000 churches were destroyed, many of them before the war commenced.” According to this article it was this brutal terror against catholics that contributed to Franco’s military intervention in the Spanish Civil War.

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